Thursday, January 3, 2008

maryland sandy turf - dubai : destroy the dN@

salam hari ke 3 di tahun baru buat semua,esp mr president bush dan sheikh makhtoum tuan empunya pulau berbentuk pelepah tamar,burj-al arab dan kuda2 thoroughbred terbaik di muka bumi...newmarket,ascot...and now the churchill downs home of kentucky derby were graced by the said dignitaries.both have common wealth,common health n passion for horses.saddle up mr sheikh,ur camels aint half a sire to those highly regarded,sought after arabian horses.fancy a climate control stable on the left side of burj al arab?just make sure the unicorn aint there to greet ur shipload race champion derby winners...on any given sunday :)let sailor sails,park ranger treks n jockey jocks...crude oil aint for barter nor banter.enuff president n mr sheikh,pls make sure there's enuff toys come next shoes an extra penny :)


Unknown said...

knock, knock... anybody home? :)
Selamat Maal Hijrah to ves and family.

-ctz- said...

ni hat mana satu ur entry? ada 2 life is so beautiful nieh?
ayam kampung real deal????


salam bro,

anda telah kena tag! jwb ye

LADY^DI said...
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LADY^DI said...

Salam bro...
Its been a while right? How's thing goin on? Hope it getting better and profitable ahakss.

Am doin well here..alhamdulillah. Trying 2 get lil bit of things and pieces for majlis doa selamat on my baby gal ONE YEAR old bday tomorrow, sat 26th April. Can't wait hehhehehe. Am i being so anxious? Definitely!!!!

Convey my regards to kak Nana..hope she still remember her long lost sister in Brunei.

Till then..adios bro..wahhhh i miss bro ALOOS too when i mention the word ADIOS erkkkkk!!??