luv u 2008!!!~
Monday, December 31, 2007
Aku demam sejak khamis lepas,dec 27 sehingga semalam (ahad).aku bersyukur kehadrat allah maha pencipta yg telah memberikan dugaan kpd ako di akhir tahun hijrah dan masihi ini.empat hari yg penuh kepayahan,keperitan,kesukaran etc…namun ako redha dgn ketentuannya.ako ada sejenis penyakit…kalo sakit x suka makan ubat hehe.pertamanya ako mmg x suka (read takut) mamam ubat.keduanya ubat = xsedap…yucks,kalau sedap mcm satey kajang ok laaa(terasa nak mkn satey kajang ni,tapi x tau lg bila boleh turun ke kajang…probably masa menghadiri wedding reception yana,anak akak nana…i`allah) tapi reason yg paling kuat = ako x mamam ubat sebab most prescribe medicine ada DRUGS!!!dadah yg x dilarang,blatant fact,simple as that.that’s y penagih dadah = insan yg menggunakan dadah terlarang dan x mengikut dosage yg betul…huhu.lagipun ako percaya kpd natural healing…proses penyembuhan semulajadi,no not ayu verdict la…beza sangat.pd ako kalau demam,pening,sakit kerongkong,batuk selsema dll,ako biarkan aje kuman/bacteria/virus/enzyme yg sudah sedia ada dlm badan ako melawan penyakit itu.mmg la pada mulanya badan ako panas…panas tu proses semulajadi dalam tindakbalas kimia badan ako utk menyingkirkan/mematikan serangan kuman2 jahat yg menyerang tubuh badanku yg layu ini.dua hari suhu badan ako more than 39°.ako hanya duduk tersandar aje,mcm foreman di belasah mat ali dlm pertarungan epic di kinshasha,Zaire…rumble in the jungle ketika ali meranapkan kejagoan foreman…dan tatkala ungkapan konotasi : rope a dope dilaungkan The greatest of em all : ali ali ali.speaking about ali…tis great humble man mmg dekat dihatiku.. venue : selangor turf club,jalan ampang,sgor. Time : quarter past six am.pd waktu itu mat ali akn berhadapan dgn joe bugner his challenger,n the last white hope to outbox,outpunch,outsmart n out(etc) the greatest.pd waktu itu ayah ako sedang dlm proses menyiapkan projek flet kediaman dibalai police lembah pantai.ayah membawa ako ke sgor turf club semata2 kerana ako amat meminati mat ali,so does my father hehe,so we were both in equal term la.ako antara ratusan peminat/penyokong mat ali yg menunggu beliau menghabiskan his early morning workout.according to my dad,his early morning canter = 5 miles.huh!!!5miles trot?haha that’s what it takes to be a world slugger,back in those days.i was more than impressed,impressive!!!just imagine,after his workouts,sweat all around n the seriousness of his title defence,he still took time off to entertain his peers,duly signed any autograph requested…me inclusive.he made my day,ty mr Muhammad ali,ty sir!!!he's no celtic genetic type haha.he gave me a blank stare n said…”nvr ever said sir to nobody..ur your own sir lil boy…n patted my small…the greatest of em all just spoke to me n even touched my feeble skinny skull.ali succedded in retaining his title,outboxed outpunched,outwitted bugner all of 15 rounds.kehebatan ali mmg tidak dinafikan dunia,namun im not dwelling into his greatness,but the road to his unchallenged height that struck me in awe.from a humble beginning he emerged as the greatest pound for pound boxer in the world.he overcome any major obstacles,even to the great extend…the uncle sam law.haha,he’s brainer than most noble laurette or pulitzer’s winner.champion of humanity he is.ali,ali ali chanted the marauding crowd..where ever his entourage congregate.that early one of them crowd…ali ali ali.
So after pausing for quite sometime,ako beranggapan demam ako ini hanya utk sementara shj…xpayah la nak merintih mengasihi diri ku haha…yg kesian shah…my other half had to attend more than 5 wedding receptions,alone or accompany by the kids.not that pergi makan shj,she had to buy presents all by herself,wrapped the boxes,drive thru traffics,berpanas,berpeluh..tapi juga terpaksa menjelaskan sebab2 ketidak hadiran ako ke majlis2 tersebut,most of the reception xcept 1 semua majlis kenalan2 ako hehe.rite now,Sunday dec 30 2007 10:30pm.dah malam.selepas maghrib tadi ako telah membawa shah,utk membuat persiapan terakhir utk anak2 sebelum the new schooling year commence.ako ingatkan dah x ada apa yg perlu dibeli lagi,rupa²nya salah telahan ako haha.imagine,after spending endless amount of cash,she (shah) brought out a long lists of things needed to be purchased for the kids!!!ako yg baru sembuh dr demam,terasa nak masuk dlm icu…again!against all odd tau.hmmm ako beritahu shah,cash in my wallet running thin,as thin as the mahjong paper haha.she just chuckled and said…don’t worry dearie,my dec salary still untouch n no go,yet.wahaaaa…jom la shopped apa tunggu lagi I told her…lauffing all the way to the mall while zig zaging thru shoppers around the foyer.dropped by at genie time laboratory…ellesse watches on sale…ermm.showed a keen interest to this particular watch…a copper plated chronograph ellesse with 3 dial faces on it…a tachy watch.only if I stopped smoking for the past year…tis elegant,smart looking watch wud be on my wrist by the time I type these words haha.that’s the way this beautiful life goes on n on,never ending story…pls take note Malaysian gp will be here,yet again come march 23rd.received a text mssg from zeck…im not going to wear mclaren team color tis year,im with megat n pang,bmw petronas.haha zeck…u n ur new beemer ride go n bake under hassan merican’s umbrella…nay bother,as long as trulli out qualifiy both ur bayerichen motorwerke,suffice.tis yr,kami dr ipoh speed 100mph club akan berkampung di pan pac,klia x seperti tahun2 yg sudah kami semua berkumpul di jw marriot,kl.kami sememangnya F1 ultra fans,tapi mulai tahun ni,kami nak sober during the carnivale…nak just concentrate on the technical data..track temp,ambiance,wind direction etc…x mo lagi dah jadi rowdy2…nak baik2 aje hehe.all of us dh come into term,speeding aint killing u,crashing will.haha with tis,im penning off.shah...pinjam rm50 nak order parking sticker dr SIC…
So after pausing for quite sometime,ako beranggapan demam ako ini hanya utk sementara shj…xpayah la nak merintih mengasihi diri ku haha…yg kesian shah…my other half had to attend more than 5 wedding receptions,alone or accompany by the kids.not that pergi makan shj,she had to buy presents all by herself,wrapped the boxes,drive thru traffics,berpanas,berpeluh..tapi juga terpaksa menjelaskan sebab2 ketidak hadiran ako ke majlis2 tersebut,most of the reception xcept 1 semua majlis kenalan2 ako hehe.rite now,Sunday dec 30 2007 10:30pm.dah malam.selepas maghrib tadi ako telah membawa shah,utk membuat persiapan terakhir utk anak2 sebelum the new schooling year commence.ako ingatkan dah x ada apa yg perlu dibeli lagi,rupa²nya salah telahan ako haha.imagine,after spending endless amount of cash,she (shah) brought out a long lists of things needed to be purchased for the kids!!!ako yg baru sembuh dr demam,terasa nak masuk dlm icu…again!against all odd tau.hmmm ako beritahu shah,cash in my wallet running thin,as thin as the mahjong paper haha.she just chuckled and said…don’t worry dearie,my dec salary still untouch n no go,yet.wahaaaa…jom la shopped apa tunggu lagi I told her…lauffing all the way to the mall while zig zaging thru shoppers around the foyer.dropped by at genie time laboratory…ellesse watches on sale…ermm.showed a keen interest to this particular watch…a copper plated chronograph ellesse with 3 dial faces on it…a tachy watch.only if I stopped smoking for the past year…tis elegant,smart looking watch wud be on my wrist by the time I type these words haha.that’s the way this beautiful life goes on n on,never ending story…pls take note Malaysian gp will be here,yet again come march 23rd.received a text mssg from zeck…im not going to wear mclaren team color tis year,im with megat n pang,bmw petronas.haha zeck…u n ur new beemer ride go n bake under hassan merican’s umbrella…nay bother,as long as trulli out qualifiy both ur bayerichen motorwerke,suffice.tis yr,kami dr ipoh speed 100mph club akan berkampung di pan pac,klia x seperti tahun2 yg sudah kami semua berkumpul di jw marriot,kl.kami sememangnya F1 ultra fans,tapi mulai tahun ni,kami nak sober during the carnivale…nak just concentrate on the technical data..track temp,ambiance,wind direction etc…x mo lagi dah jadi rowdy2…nak baik2 aje hehe.all of us dh come into term,speeding aint killing u,crashing will.haha with tis,im penning off.shah...pinjam rm50 nak order parking sticker dr SIC…
cut n bleedy...ouchhy!!!
Mlm tadi saya berkesempatan chat dgn akak ummie,akak yg paling saya hormati dan sayangi di sungguh dpt chat dgn akak saya tu…banyak nasihat dan tunjuk ajar serta panduan yg berguna saya pelajari dr akak ummie.xlama lagi akak ummie akan menerima seorg menantu…yey yey.hehe awal² lagi akak ummie sudah menjemput saya dan family menghadiri wedding reception anaknya dia taman seri gombak.kalau ikut gayanya mau jemputan sekitar 2-3 ribu org,ye la akak ummie ni seorg vvip (amponn akak,adik akak ni nakal).dh dijanjinya saya akan mendapat ole² bunga telur…harap2 la dpt bunga telur,yg sebenar2nya bunga telur…bukan tuala kecik lap muka yg selalu saya terima kebelakangan ini,semasa memenuhi undangan resepsi perkahwinan.kadang kala saya dapat kipas tangan yg diperbuat dr kayu,adakalanya dpt kek,gula2 mahupun goodie bag,yg dipenuhi bermacam2 barangan spt kristal,sabun,potpuri dll…sekali tu ada surah yassin!!!tapi saya selalunya teruja apabila dapat bunga telur…saya suka balik rumah dan makan telur org kawen tu dgn kicap.ntah x tau mengapa,maybe sebab dah jadi hobi.kadang2 bahagian shah pon saya mamam hehe.saya dh offer nak tlg akak ummie basuh pinggan mangkuk gelas dulang periuk belanga…tapi as usual,akak ummie yg menyayangi adik2nya kata : dtg makan aje.
Wong jowo orak iso soru…kerjo kerjo!!!~
Hehe amponn akak ummie.dh lama x gurau2 dgn akak nanti kenduri saya akan tolong akak mana yg patut,selain dr tlg makan gak kalo ada nasik beryani gam…taruh kome2….pastu kasi la berkat skit…tapau mana yg patut buat bekal adik akak yg nakal dr ipoh ni mam on the way balik ipoh.ingat nak singgah kat tasek biru temoh,nak piknik.
Selain dr akak ummie,saya juga bertuah mengenali akak nana,akak hani,akak zai dan akak lady46.semua tu akak2 yg sungguh baik di ruangan sembang maya.melainkan akak lady46 yg jauh di selatan tanahair,saya dan keluarga telah berkesempatan bertemu dgn kesemua akak2 yg saya list downkan tadi.semuanya mmg baik2,ramah,kaya dgn senyuman,lemah lembut dan penyayang.tapi dalam ramai akak2…ade seorg akak yg saya takot nak bergurau…saya takot dia marah saya.eeeeeee x berani saya.walaupun akak saya tu x pernah marah saya…tapi cuak jugak nak gurau2 dgn akak yg seorg ni…hehe mmg sungguh x berani saya.takot seyyy…kalau akak2 saya yg lain tu saya berani taip : akak…saya nak lempang akak,buley ke?Kalo akak hani atau akak zai…mrk akan kata : ehh knp ni ves,garang semacam aje,akak nana pulak akan kata : nak lempang akak awak ye?biase dia,tapi kalau nak lempang,lempang la..alahai. Tapi akak yg seorg ni saya x pernah taip camtu…entah x tau ngapa…saya x berani.saya akui,saya mmg rapat dgn akak2 chat saya.kalau mrk x ada di ruangan sembang,saya hanya berdiam diri…atau jika ada dan beliau x bz,saya akan bersembang sakan dgn .best tukar2 cerita,idea dan lawak jenaka dgn .beliau satu2nya teman sembang yg masih setia bersama kgchat sejak dr awal.kegigihan beliau dalam mendalami ilmu IT sangat saya kagumi,kata org “angkat topi” pd .sambil menaip ni saya dengar muzik metallica,lagunya bertajuk ride the lightning.jam di laptop = 1:58 am.teringat pesanan akak ummie…ves,tidur awal,usah berjaga hingga dinihari.ermmm ok akak ummie,tahun depan saya start tido awal.saya dh berazam nak tidor awal mulai tahun depan.dgn akak ummie saya dh janji camtukan?hehe,shah ptg semalam tenung muka saya dekat2 dan bagitau :”keliling mata abg dah hitam,xcukup tidor”.selain dr tidor awal,saya juga berazam utk berusaha dgn lebih tekun,gigih dan kuat mencari rezeki…3 kali ganda dr tahun ni.azam yg ke-3,saya nak tempah baju melayu.dah 13 tahun saya x pernah tempah baju melayu.last sekali baju melayu teluk belanga warna ungu.baju tu dah carik sana,sini,saya suruh shah jahit,tampal dan buat apa yg patut,asalkan saya boleh pakai baju tu time raya,eidul fitri mahupun eid adha.tu je time saya pakai baju melayu.shah kadang2 geleng kepala bila tiba musim perayaan…dipujuk,dirayu,dibodek dan bermacam2 cara dibuat shah utk saya tempah baju melayu.alasan saya tetap sama: baju ungu tu elok lagi hehe.bukan x ade baju melayu shah belikan utk saya,ada warna biru pastel,warna beach,peach dll,semuanya saya x pakai dan beri pd anak2 utk mereka pakai di asrama hehe.last yr dibelikannya saya sepasang baju melayu warna hijau,saya suka pd warna hijau…xkira hijau pas ke hijau petronas ke atau hijau pucuk pisang semua saya suka,saya hanya pakai baju melayu hijau tu 2 kali shj…pertama semasa meraikan tokoh maal hijrah dan yg kedua,wedding reception dr sabreena.salah satu reason saya x gemar pakai baju melayu ni sebab kainnya buat saya rimas.satu shj kain yg saya selesa pakai utk fabric baju melayu…ashby line.kain tu pulak,susah sikit nak ada dalam stock…jenis kain tu jenis kuno hehe.ade sekali shah beli kain peach skin utk dibuat baju melayu…x bertempah langsung kain tu.last2 buat baju melayu utk syahrin aje.tapi…tahun 2008 saya mmg bertekad utk tempah sepasang baju melayu…nak order kain ashby line warna kelabu rasanya.nak buat baju melayu johore…mudah n unik buatannya.nak suh akak ummie tolong jahitkan tulang belut di tengkuk…pakai benang putih hehe.pagi raya nanti nak gi solat raya kat masjid sedondon dgn shah…warna baju kelabu…anak2 biar la mrk ikut selera mrk.raya haji yg baru berlalu meninggalkan kita,shah terpaksa mengenakan sepasang baju kurung warna ungu…sbb nak sedondon dgn baju melayu ungu saya yg dah berusia lewat 13 masjid di pagi zulhijjah sedondon…haha.jarang berkesempatan nak sedondon dgn shah di pagi lebaran.selalunya shah n anak2 perempuan akan sedondon…anak2 lelaki pula sedondon…saya tetap dgn baju melayu teluk belanga ungu…saban tahun.baju tu ada nostalgianya…kain dibeli shah di singapura,di geylang pd tahun 2003 dgn duit gaji pertama shah selepas beliau disahkan sebagai pegawai tetap dan berpencen dalam jawatan sebagai pegawai perkhidmatan pendidikan.itulah sebabnya saya amat menghargai baju melayu teluk belanga warna ungu…sayang nak dibiarkan terperap dlm almari kain baju.saya sememangnya x memerlukan banyak pakaian.dalam almari saya hanya ada 3 helai baju kemeja,6 helai tshirt,7 seluar jeans,4 kain sarong,2 helai baju melayu,socks 3 pairs.tu aje dlm wardrobe saya.pusing balik pusing balik tu je pakaian saya.saya x gemar berbelanja utk pakaian.tapi satu aje kelemahan saya…saya ni gila pada boots.berbagai jenama boots saya miliki…dr yg sebiasa2nya hinggalah ke yg luar biasa hehe,semua saya ada.bally boots,Clarke boots,Jacobs boots,Durango boots,trv boots,alain delon boots,john bert boots,kings boots,timberland boots dll…pd saya boots ni mencerminkan watak saya.bila saya sarungkan boots ke kaki saya setiap kali saya melangkah keluar rumah,boots ni akan membantu saya menjiwai diri dan kehidupan saya…berpijak dibumi nyata.
Wong jowo orak iso soru…kerjo kerjo!!!~
Hehe amponn akak ummie.dh lama x gurau2 dgn akak nanti kenduri saya akan tolong akak mana yg patut,selain dr tlg makan gak kalo ada nasik beryani gam…taruh kome2….pastu kasi la berkat skit…tapau mana yg patut buat bekal adik akak yg nakal dr ipoh ni mam on the way balik ipoh.ingat nak singgah kat tasek biru temoh,nak piknik.
Selain dr akak ummie,saya juga bertuah mengenali akak nana,akak hani,akak zai dan akak lady46.semua tu akak2 yg sungguh baik di ruangan sembang maya.melainkan akak lady46 yg jauh di selatan tanahair,saya dan keluarga telah berkesempatan bertemu dgn kesemua akak2 yg saya list downkan tadi.semuanya mmg baik2,ramah,kaya dgn senyuman,lemah lembut dan penyayang.tapi dalam ramai akak2…ade seorg akak yg saya takot nak bergurau…saya takot dia marah saya.eeeeeee x berani saya.walaupun akak saya tu x pernah marah saya…tapi cuak jugak nak gurau2 dgn akak yg seorg ni…hehe mmg sungguh x berani saya.takot seyyy…kalau akak2 saya yg lain tu saya berani taip :
Thursday, December 27, 2007
better be pound wise...than penny wise :)
Dunno whether wanna luff,cry or just simply sing,at once.gerbill wud hv gone mad,so does dennis the menace,neither luff,nor cry nor even sing cud xplain the situation am in,helpless wud be the right all started when my other haf brought home a jar full of almond London cookies around 4pm today.saw the jar was brimming with the moisty chocy thingy in papercup.tot,ahaa wud grabbed those yummie cookies later,probably after doing my round of orbitrac 7pm…was all ready,clad in sarong,saliva oozing at the tot of having those almond London cookies,all by myself in front of the telly in the master bedroom.haha noway buddy boy…ure late!!!not a single papercup canbe seen inside the jar…huuuuu probably shah had stored em in another jar,so I tot.went to the pantry n from top to bottom,end to end,every possible container,Tupperware,even the wall’s new 1.7 ltr icecream plastic oblong boxes weren’t spared from my prying eyes…searching for the said cookies!!!~stirred shah attention while going thru the pantry shelves…she came n asked what was the commotion all about.told her need to hv those cookies,my voice all tensed n firm.she just simply said…”nomore cookies left for u,dearie” n while doing so,letting out a giggle.erkkssss u meant the whole lot?she nodded n went away,dunno where,probably to the living.
Sing a lullaby,cry baby cry,laugh out loud…pissed myself for proscratinating on having those almond London,when the opportunity presented itself!cant let good things just fly out of the windows,don’t u?since school holidays commenced,all the boys n gals were 24-7 at home…okie dokie minus 4 dys at tiara beach resort in teluk kemang,another 4 dys spent in pj,kl,nilai n subang jaya,visiting their grandmum,shooping for school uniforms n stuff,etc.went to polo tower,opposite raintree club near the selangor polo ground,jalan ampang hilir too,paying my big sister,akak zaini a all we were away from home nearly 9 full days.back to the subject of all the boys n gals holed 24-7 at home…every dine or meal time= like a feast.b/fast,tea-time,snack-time,lunch time (we don’t approve brunch at this address),tea-time again,dinner n the occasional supper…lively,kids jostling for food,cramming the main table for best seating…at times there were dishes didn’t even make it to the main table,esp dinner time where the elders wud normally hi-jacked the food (they usually prepare food for dinner,under shah commanding eyes,alas they had em all by emselves)…haha fun me might say.needed 15kgs of rice,9 chicks the very least,4 kgs of beef,squids,prawn/shrimp,fishes…large quantity,rice vermicelli,instant noodle or the usual yellow noodle,6-8 loafs of those gardenia’s super bonanza,tuna in brine/vegy oil,kraft cheese,nutrigen…thrice weekly (7 bottles per serving),fresh uht milk,koko krunch n honey stars,fresh vegeys,fruits,butter,bread spread : peanutbutter,jelly n jam,ketchup,soysauce n numerous spices,cakes n labor intensive to bring up a large size family like mine…but its worthwhile,priceless.
In any large size family,the day started early…mind u waking up all the 7 of em at 6 am for the morning prayer.most of the elders stayed up late…we (shah n me) let our guard off during year end school break…gave em ample time for emselves,so they usually wud watch the tube till well past midnite,since they dun hv the opportunity n means to watch those programmes when they were at their respective hostels,u know la boarding school…no time to watch telly so we gave em free reign of the astro decoder,9 pm upwards.after morning prayer…all chaos n hells broke loose.we even hv had 2 washing machines,just to accommodate n speed up the washing cycle…two waterclosets n 2 bathrooms aint enuff when all of em kids were home at once.we hv the longest clothes lines in the entire village…hehe.a permanent line,measuring 5’-0” x 15’-0” (5 lines) n 3 units of mobile clothes hanger.when the rainy season,we even hanged the clothes using the awning steel structures haha what a beautiful sight to behold,cuz life is s0 beautiful!due to the extensive washing,our detergent supply = come in xxl size boxes.even the dish washer = 5 litres haha.a regular size fabric softner,good maid wud see life in just 5 days goodness me u might say,but the bare truth is freightening for n e one not used to : having a big family.anak2 itu rezeki,yeap so true.ada shj rezeki yg dikurniakan oleh allah taalla to both of us,in many unexpected ways.(when the annual budget was tabled by pak lah in oct…no bonuses for the public sector…the sivil ppl felt they were taken on a ride…hehe what do u think guys?)what about me?me my own king.ladyluck many wud say,to me rezeki from allah taalla…awarded a small joblot from mpoc.mydin mall in subang jaya…u rascal…haha,am just a medium…my wallet just a transit point…hard earned cash from the joblot…went into mydin ever bulging coffers in no time.itulah keajaiban allah mentadbir perjalanan hidup kita ini…the journey is the best n fun part before reaching the destiny.glad am part of the entourage …can sing luff or cry during the expedition…as u please.take a fiver n go to any carboot sale…u wud surprise urself to find out what ur capable of buying from carbootie sale…a nos (read new old stock) morphy Richard steel iron cost only 50p haha.a sound excelsior sewing machine = £ 2.00 n brass walking stick errr shud we refer that thing as stick too =50p.btw,no almond London in sight,as yet….
Sing a lullaby,cry baby cry,laugh out loud…pissed myself for proscratinating on having those almond London,when the opportunity presented itself!cant let good things just fly out of the windows,don’t u?since school holidays commenced,all the boys n gals were 24-7 at home…okie dokie minus 4 dys at tiara beach resort in teluk kemang,another 4 dys spent in pj,kl,nilai n subang jaya,visiting their grandmum,shooping for school uniforms n stuff,etc.went to polo tower,opposite raintree club near the selangor polo ground,jalan ampang hilir too,paying my big sister,akak zaini a all we were away from home nearly 9 full days.back to the subject of all the boys n gals holed 24-7 at home…every dine or meal time= like a feast.b/fast,tea-time,snack-time,lunch time (we don’t approve brunch at this address),tea-time again,dinner n the occasional supper…lively,kids jostling for food,cramming the main table for best seating…at times there were dishes didn’t even make it to the main table,esp dinner time where the elders wud normally hi-jacked the food (they usually prepare food for dinner,under shah commanding eyes,alas they had em all by emselves)…haha fun me might say.needed 15kgs of rice,9 chicks the very least,4 kgs of beef,squids,prawn/shrimp,fishes…large quantity,rice vermicelli,instant noodle or the usual yellow noodle,6-8 loafs of those gardenia’s super bonanza,tuna in brine/vegy oil,kraft cheese,nutrigen…thrice weekly (7 bottles per serving),fresh uht milk,koko krunch n honey stars,fresh vegeys,fruits,butter,bread spread : peanutbutter,jelly n jam,ketchup,soysauce n numerous spices,cakes n labor intensive to bring up a large size family like mine…but its worthwhile,priceless.
In any large size family,the day started early…mind u waking up all the 7 of em at 6 am for the morning prayer.most of the elders stayed up late…we (shah n me) let our guard off during year end school break…gave em ample time for emselves,so they usually wud watch the tube till well past midnite,since they dun hv the opportunity n means to watch those programmes when they were at their respective hostels,u know la boarding school…no time to watch telly so we gave em free reign of the astro decoder,9 pm upwards.after morning prayer…all chaos n hells broke loose.we even hv had 2 washing machines,just to accommodate n speed up the washing cycle…two waterclosets n 2 bathrooms aint enuff when all of em kids were home at once.we hv the longest clothes lines in the entire village…hehe.a permanent line,measuring 5’-0” x 15’-0” (5 lines) n 3 units of mobile clothes hanger.when the rainy season,we even hanged the clothes using the awning steel structures haha what a beautiful sight to behold,cuz life is s0 beautiful!due to the extensive washing,our detergent supply = come in xxl size boxes.even the dish washer = 5 litres haha.a regular size fabric softner,good maid wud see life in just 5 days goodness me u might say,but the bare truth is freightening for n e one not used to : having a big family.anak2 itu rezeki,yeap so true.ada shj rezeki yg dikurniakan oleh allah taalla to both of us,in many unexpected ways.(when the annual budget was tabled by pak lah in oct…no bonuses for the public sector…the sivil ppl felt they were taken on a ride…hehe what do u think guys?)what about me?me my own king.ladyluck many wud say,to me rezeki from allah taalla…awarded a small joblot from mpoc.mydin mall in subang jaya…u rascal…haha,am just a medium…my wallet just a transit point…hard earned cash from the joblot…went into mydin ever bulging coffers in no time.itulah keajaiban allah mentadbir perjalanan hidup kita ini…the journey is the best n fun part before reaching the destiny.glad am part of the entourage …can sing luff or cry during the expedition…as u please.take a fiver n go to any carboot sale…u wud surprise urself to find out what ur capable of buying from carbootie sale…a nos (read new old stock) morphy Richard steel iron cost only 50p haha.a sound excelsior sewing machine = £ 2.00 n brass walking stick errr shud we refer that thing as stick too =50p.btw,no almond London in sight,as yet….
LOTR Trilogy...rohan rider saddleup..pls
Visited OD’s (Opah D) blog site.wud be great writer in her own right,oneday…amen!
She loves LOTR (Trilogy) haha.she’s kinda harry moter the potter type.ghouls,elves,gnomes = her medium.she had published many great novels.thou based abroad,down under to be précised,OD flavour = local.must let my uncle,suhaimi haji Muhammad know that there’s a perak lady based in oz who writes great fiction/thriller novels.tis uncle of mine,famed for his unorthordox poem,poetry,short essay,trilogy,antology novels etc was a winner of numerous writer’s award,from the prestigious SEA writer’s award to the homebased sastrawan perak award.of late his writing = inclined towards the spiritual/holy substances.he showed me a raw draft bound of his new pet work.he was all sprite n passionate briefing me on his new work,why he deviated from his usual trademark so on so forth.back to OD…must meet her oneday,hopefully when she launches her new novel somewhere downtown kl…the last launching was held near merdeka square…me think kl tower is the appropriate launching venue of her coming novel…coz me nvr go to kl tower,yet haha.hopefully OD will be kind enuff to let me in,for free…in return me buy her new novel,win-win situation.
As a former hardcore biker,steel/iron horse me ride…am suitable for the “rohan rider” part in LOTR.gallant,full of steam,air of panache,immortal,sleek…yeap me wanna be rider of rohan in life - steelhorse,body armour,sword n axe.butch Cassidy n sundance kid better watchout,go cover urselves in president bush’s bunker coz this rohan rider take no mercy…on guard!!!
taking a glance at the trophy/medallion laden cabinet…one particular object strike me eyes.a 3rd placing medal in archery won by rizq syahrin Muhammad during U-15 inter district archery competition (a bronze medal that was).archery is a gentleman sport,he told me…so need to hv the proper equipment,finger tap,torso vest,arm protector,arrow case,bow etc.bought most of the needed equipment bar one…the most essential of all, a bow.he needed to hv his own bow in order to excell in the sport.olympia typewriter to OD,Samick bow to syahrin…a must for any great archer.w/out his own bow at his disposal,he hd to share common bow (school stock)with his fellow teammates.not that I didn’t want to get him a bow,me went to one fine archery supply store,a nice Chinese lady goes by the name of Julie runs the store (the store which me bought all the stuff needed by syahrin) n had a look at one used American made bow plus all the balancers,rm1,200 nett.a spanking brand new wud cost more than rm3,000 she told always,cash in short supply…told her I wud be back within a week with the cash requested.4 dys later went to the store,only to find out that one lucky soul had been the new owner of the bow…me forgot to put a deposit haha.julie was all apologistics…told me had I put down rm10.00 as a deposit,the bow wud be in my hand by now…life so beautiful…still hv my rm1,200.instead of a bow,me went to tabung haji n deposited the money into syahrin’s account.u win some u lose some…all my kids are sportsmen/women.handball,volleyball,football,hockey,archery,sepaktakraw n shot putt.syamsul represented the kinta district in handball (received a call up to the state selection),syahrin represented kinta district in archery,rest of the kids… legacy…shot putt in the field event.every year during school sports day,my off springs,boys n gals nvr failed to bring home the medals in that event.the least is a silver.the genes are there u know…muscles hv brains of their own,cuz in the event u need not be the biggest nor the bulkiest…strength at par with others…correct techniques,perfect timing n muscles contraction at the precise point…haihoo…u’ll be on the top brings back to our previous narrating…rider of rohan aka steelhorse rider.once a rider will always be a rider,no matter how long u parted company with ur ride.same apply to writer…only if there’s a mental blockage,only then u cant write.a writer will for ever writes.a writer analys,see/think,grasp differently from other joe/jane,the left side brain in use more than 3%.hmmm jk rawlings n her cute piggy bank...count me in or count me not?so...need my whip n leather saddle...wud be saddleking meself.
She loves LOTR (Trilogy) haha.she’s kinda harry moter the potter type.ghouls,elves,gnomes = her medium.she had published many great novels.thou based abroad,down under to be précised,OD flavour = local.must let my uncle,suhaimi haji Muhammad know that there’s a perak lady based in oz who writes great fiction/thriller novels.tis uncle of mine,famed for his unorthordox poem,poetry,short essay,trilogy,antology novels etc was a winner of numerous writer’s award,from the prestigious SEA writer’s award to the homebased sastrawan perak award.of late his writing = inclined towards the spiritual/holy substances.he showed me a raw draft bound of his new pet work.he was all sprite n passionate briefing me on his new work,why he deviated from his usual trademark so on so forth.back to OD…must meet her oneday,hopefully when she launches her new novel somewhere downtown kl…the last launching was held near merdeka square…me think kl tower is the appropriate launching venue of her coming novel…coz me nvr go to kl tower,yet haha.hopefully OD will be kind enuff to let me in,for free…in return me buy her new novel,win-win situation.
As a former hardcore biker,steel/iron horse me ride…am suitable for the “rohan rider” part in LOTR.gallant,full of steam,air of panache,immortal,sleek…yeap me wanna be rider of rohan in life - steelhorse,body armour,sword n axe.butch Cassidy n sundance kid better watchout,go cover urselves in president bush’s bunker coz this rohan rider take no mercy…on guard!!!
taking a glance at the trophy/medallion laden cabinet…one particular object strike me eyes.a 3rd placing medal in archery won by rizq syahrin Muhammad during U-15 inter district archery competition (a bronze medal that was).archery is a gentleman sport,he told me…so need to hv the proper equipment,finger tap,torso vest,arm protector,arrow case,bow etc.bought most of the needed equipment bar one…the most essential of all, a bow.he needed to hv his own bow in order to excell in the sport.olympia typewriter to OD,Samick bow to syahrin…a must for any great archer.w/out his own bow at his disposal,he hd to share common bow (school stock)with his fellow teammates.not that I didn’t want to get him a bow,me went to one fine archery supply store,a nice Chinese lady goes by the name of Julie runs the store (the store which me bought all the stuff needed by syahrin) n had a look at one used American made bow plus all the balancers,rm1,200 nett.a spanking brand new wud cost more than rm3,000 she told always,cash in short supply…told her I wud be back within a week with the cash requested.4 dys later went to the store,only to find out that one lucky soul had been the new owner of the bow…me forgot to put a deposit haha.julie was all apologistics…told me had I put down rm10.00 as a deposit,the bow wud be in my hand by now…life so beautiful…still hv my rm1,200.instead of a bow,me went to tabung haji n deposited the money into syahrin’s account.u win some u lose some…all my kids are sportsmen/women.handball,volleyball,football,hockey,archery,sepaktakraw n shot putt.syamsul represented the kinta district in handball (received a call up to the state selection),syahrin represented kinta district in archery,rest of the kids… legacy…shot putt in the field event.every year during school sports day,my off springs,boys n gals nvr failed to bring home the medals in that event.the least is a silver.the genes are there u know…muscles hv brains of their own,cuz in the event u need not be the biggest nor the bulkiest…strength at par with others…correct techniques,perfect timing n muscles contraction at the precise point…haihoo…u’ll be on the top brings back to our previous narrating…rider of rohan aka steelhorse rider.once a rider will always be a rider,no matter how long u parted company with ur ride.same apply to writer…only if there’s a mental blockage,only then u cant write.a writer will for ever writes.a writer analys,see/think,grasp differently from other joe/jane,the left side brain in use more than 3%.hmmm jk rawlings n her cute piggy bank...count me in or count me not?so...need my whip n leather saddle...wud be saddleking meself. a premium now a days :)
Banyak terma dan slogan retorika telah digunakan oleh pemerintah Negara Malaysia tercinta untuk menggerakkan the great mass bagi menjana dan memangkin pembangunan untuk manfaat masyarakat Negara ini.
Bumi hijau,bersih cekap amanah,masyarakat maddani (mantan tpm,DSAI) melayu glokal,masyarakat hadhari dll.namun bagi diriku,ako menggunakan terma masyarakat Lestari…apakah itu masyarakat Lestari,some might ask.well…masyarakat Lestari = sebuah tamadun yg saling lengkap melengkapi dan memenuhi kemahuan dan kehendak mereka tanpa mengorbankan kesiap siagaan dan keupayaan generasi pd masa hadapan untuk merasai dan menikmati keperluan dan kehendak mereka (generasi akan dtg).meaning to say…u must read the book entitled “our common future” published in 1987 by the UN conference on trade n development bureau (UNCTAD),only then u wud understand the true meaning of the word Lestari…not Listrik as some might suggest haha.
Our great vast n motherly planet,namely mother earth is as old as the hills/mountains herself.all her major resources had been digged,drilled,pumped,extracted,chopped,scavanged etc for hundreds or thousands of yrs (gold is known to be used since the pagan worshipper period) by us,mere dwarfs without any regard nor respect that our natural resources = us as long as the moon n stars shine n the ocean breeze cools our humid climate,we cud continue scavange mother earth “unlimited” supply of fossil fuel,copper,aluminium,timber a reminder…our oil supply..yeap crude oilfield in msia wud be all dried up in less than 20 yrs not pulling n e one’s leg,let alone mine…the truth is out there…go to the pm department…dunno pm department on which level or in which’s which parcel in PJ,ask em for the white paper about oil (not the palm oil u moron,palm oil go to mpob/mpoc in kelana jaya) production supply…our shores oilfield.haha now can see all those poor gasoline guzzling masseratis,Ferraris,Lamborghinis owners making a bee line to install the environmental friendly ngv bulky tank ontop of em street rocketship!!!
Am one of the post independent generation,subscribing to our former pm notion…we must have 70 millions citizens asap to fill the topography…and demography.haha ty mr pm,*winks*,me as usual,as tricky as the gibbon/monkey n as wise as an old owl.adopted the “pungent” idea,bearing more than half a dozen flesh n blood of my own.but wait seminit…more inhabitants of our isolated planet means more raw material n resources had to be drilled,pumped etc.hmmm…shiver on my spine.equlibrium sought here,need to make it fit like a jockey’s glove!!!
just like an old English proverbs…”fools rush in where angels fear to tread…” our (government of the world) authorities are just like parrot.full of ballony n full of words to put back our planet in order/shape,pls don’t make a pig of urselves,shape up or ship out pls.take my heed,fine words = butter,no just do it merry men keep the ball rolling.pass the baton u mr secretary general (UN) to heads of government.lay down the law,put em under obligation to start the recycling project.recycle paper means less timber trees being chopped,less fossil fuel being burnt (less chainsaw usage),less electrical usage (less coal being burnt,less air pollution hence a greater quality of life) n less gully,stream,river being contaminated.kita mesti mengamalkan kehidupan berteraskan masyarakat Lestari,pls.
shahawani just rang us up…”need to go to bandung this Saturday,urgent.will send kids,miqdad izzani n mukhriz adam tomorrow,look after em carefully,pls”ermm ermm chance to teach em,those 2 lil kids how to feed the kampong chicken…haha make a jumpstart on everything,guys…educate em early.we (shah n me) will be the eternal/perrinniel nannies to our sibling’s kids.when my sister n bro went to the uk to read em doctorate in law,we were the guardian looking after their kids,when shahawani went all over Europe,bali,California,down under,uk for vacation,we were there to lend our hands looking after those kids,when my bro in law n his spouse went to a hunting trip deep inside Zimbabwe (he went to a hunting safari),we were eager as the beever to take charged of his kids.we do take great pride as nannies,cuz kids = adorable,how cud u didn’t love em?mother earth always has treated us with care,love n nourished us with why don’t we keep the house open to others?hospitable,ready,willing to entertain all comers/visitors at all times….thou sometimes we had to make do n mend just to meet ends meet,we survived.haha just like mother earth ever ready to accommodate every newborn child.sikit² lama² jadi bukit…yeap so true!!!mother nature may hv created the kinabalus or the titiwangsa range,but we also hv built many mountains of our own…garbage.heaps n piles of diapers,kitchen waste,industrial waste etc wud filled the proud n majestic petronas towers in notime,just think about those great twin towers overshadowed by wastes from klites daily trash…absent minded,insane,spastic,senile…doesn’t matter…?dun mind standing on ur own trash piles daily?just ring up alam flora?request a written answer from ur local mp why there’s a lump of garbage at ur street end?protest to dept of irrigation n drainage (jps/did) from the stench from a nearby seemingly “dead” river?file a formal complaint thru sms to the LPKP 1-800 toll free number coz the 16-wheeler-truck in front of ur 2-week-old white proton perdana omits a thick black smoke?...dear frens,we produce more garbage n pollute our environment than rice!with us adding nearly half a million people to the population each year,the amount of trash/waste keep growing n growing,no end to this u must be made known,fact.if only the china harbor engineering ppl wanna use these garbage to build the 2nd penang bridge…if only.
Bumi hijau,bersih cekap amanah,masyarakat maddani (mantan tpm,DSAI) melayu glokal,masyarakat hadhari dll.namun bagi diriku,ako menggunakan terma masyarakat Lestari…apakah itu masyarakat Lestari,some might ask.well…masyarakat Lestari = sebuah tamadun yg saling lengkap melengkapi dan memenuhi kemahuan dan kehendak mereka tanpa mengorbankan kesiap siagaan dan keupayaan generasi pd masa hadapan untuk merasai dan menikmati keperluan dan kehendak mereka (generasi akan dtg).meaning to say…u must read the book entitled “our common future” published in 1987 by the UN conference on trade n development bureau (UNCTAD),only then u wud understand the true meaning of the word Lestari…not Listrik as some might suggest haha.
Our great vast n motherly planet,namely mother earth is as old as the hills/mountains herself.all her major resources had been digged,drilled,pumped,extracted,chopped,scavanged etc for hundreds or thousands of yrs (gold is known to be used since the pagan worshipper period) by us,mere dwarfs without any regard nor respect that our natural resources = us as long as the moon n stars shine n the ocean breeze cools our humid climate,we cud continue scavange mother earth “unlimited” supply of fossil fuel,copper,aluminium,timber a reminder…our oil supply..yeap crude oilfield in msia wud be all dried up in less than 20 yrs not pulling n e one’s leg,let alone mine…the truth is out there…go to the pm department…dunno pm department on which level or in which’s which parcel in PJ,ask em for the white paper about oil (not the palm oil u moron,palm oil go to mpob/mpoc in kelana jaya) production supply…our shores oilfield.haha now can see all those poor gasoline guzzling masseratis,Ferraris,Lamborghinis owners making a bee line to install the environmental friendly ngv bulky tank ontop of em street rocketship!!!
Am one of the post independent generation,subscribing to our former pm notion…we must have 70 millions citizens asap to fill the topography…and demography.haha ty mr pm,*winks*,me as usual,as tricky as the gibbon/monkey n as wise as an old owl.adopted the “pungent” idea,bearing more than half a dozen flesh n blood of my own.but wait seminit…more inhabitants of our isolated planet means more raw material n resources had to be drilled,pumped etc.hmmm…shiver on my spine.equlibrium sought here,need to make it fit like a jockey’s glove!!!
just like an old English proverbs…”fools rush in where angels fear to tread…” our (government of the world) authorities are just like parrot.full of ballony n full of words to put back our planet in order/shape,pls don’t make a pig of urselves,shape up or ship out pls.take my heed,fine words = butter,no just do it merry men keep the ball rolling.pass the baton u mr secretary general (UN) to heads of government.lay down the law,put em under obligation to start the recycling project.recycle paper means less timber trees being chopped,less fossil fuel being burnt (less chainsaw usage),less electrical usage (less coal being burnt,less air pollution hence a greater quality of life) n less gully,stream,river being contaminated.kita mesti mengamalkan kehidupan berteraskan masyarakat Lestari,pls.
shahawani just rang us up…”need to go to bandung this Saturday,urgent.will send kids,miqdad izzani n mukhriz adam tomorrow,look after em carefully,pls”ermm ermm chance to teach em,those 2 lil kids how to feed the kampong chicken…haha make a jumpstart on everything,guys…educate em early.we (shah n me) will be the eternal/perrinniel nannies to our sibling’s kids.when my sister n bro went to the uk to read em doctorate in law,we were the guardian looking after their kids,when shahawani went all over Europe,bali,California,down under,uk for vacation,we were there to lend our hands looking after those kids,when my bro in law n his spouse went to a hunting trip deep inside Zimbabwe (he went to a hunting safari),we were eager as the beever to take charged of his kids.we do take great pride as nannies,cuz kids = adorable,how cud u didn’t love em?mother earth always has treated us with care,love n nourished us with why don’t we keep the house open to others?hospitable,ready,willing to entertain all comers/visitors at all times….thou sometimes we had to make do n mend just to meet ends meet,we survived.haha just like mother earth ever ready to accommodate every newborn child.sikit² lama² jadi bukit…yeap so true!!!mother nature may hv created the kinabalus or the titiwangsa range,but we also hv built many mountains of our own…garbage.heaps n piles of diapers,kitchen waste,industrial waste etc wud filled the proud n majestic petronas towers in notime,just think about those great twin towers overshadowed by wastes from klites daily trash…absent minded,insane,spastic,senile…doesn’t matter…?dun mind standing on ur own trash piles daily?just ring up alam flora?request a written answer from ur local mp why there’s a lump of garbage at ur street end?protest to dept of irrigation n drainage (jps/did) from the stench from a nearby seemingly “dead” river?file a formal complaint thru sms to the LPKP 1-800 toll free number coz the 16-wheeler-truck in front of ur 2-week-old white proton perdana omits a thick black smoke?...dear frens,we produce more garbage n pollute our environment than rice!with us adding nearly half a million people to the population each year,the amount of trash/waste keep growing n growing,no end to this u must be made known,fact.if only the china harbor engineering ppl wanna use these garbage to build the 2nd penang bridge…if only.
need to stretch those joints???...
Lemon grass,atau dalam bahasa melayu = serai.aku amat meminati tanaman serai,yg diusahakan secara skala besar.ciri2 tanaman kontan,atau tanaman jangka pendek mampu memberikan pulangan yg lumayan andai diusahakan dgn bersungguh² dan bersistematik.serai tidak memerlukan penjagaan rapi,sebaliknya hanya memadai dgn menjaga perdu/rumpun serai dari rumput/lalang juga serangga perosak spt siput.pd awal semaian,anak/benih serai memerlukan air…2 kali siraman di awal pagi dan ptg,hingga mencapai umur 1 bulan.penjagaan berkala mengikut panduan penjagaan serai akan menghasilkan serai yg gemuk,padat,berisi penuh dan segar.adalah disyorkan menggunakan baja organic,samada dr tinja kambing,lembu,sapi mahupun ayam secara teratur.serai yg menepati ciri2 tersebut akan mendapat tempat di pasaran,dan harganya juga tinggi berbanding serai yg ditanam secara tradisi…dibiarkan tanpa penjagaan dan hanya mengharapkan vitamin dan mineral dari sumber tanah semata-mata.jangkamasa putaran serai adalah lebih kurang 4 bulan sekali tuaian…oleh itu disyorkan agar pihak yg ingin menceburi bidang ini supaya menanam serai secara berperingkat,ini dapat menjamin hasil berterusan dan tiada lambakan serai di sesuatu kawasan.
Utk pengusaha yg ingin menceburi bidang ini secara kecil-kecilan atau hanya untuk beriadah mengeluarkan keringat dihujung minggu…tanaman serai mampu memberi kepuasan dan dpt membantu mengurangkan belanja dapur.disarankan keluasan tanah 10’-0” x 10’-0” dapat menempatkan 9 rumpun serai.setiap hujung minggu,siramlah rumpun serai anda dengan air basuhan beras,air basuhan ikan mahupun baja organic,buang semua rumput disekeliling rumpun serai anda dan buang potong semua daun-daun serai yang layu dan kering,semua aktiviti ini dapat dibereskan dalam jangkamasa 30 minit dan mampu membuatkan anda berpeluh…hanya 30 minit seminggu,setiap hujung minggu dan hasilnya…i`allah selepas 4 bulan rumpun serai anda akan menjadi perhatian jiran tetangga terdekat dan saudara mara yg mengunjungi mahligai anda…serai yg berlebihan bolehlah disedekahkan kpd tetamu mahupun rakan taulan di pejabat dan jiran terdekat.
Cara menanam serai yg diamalkan saya = tanah digemburkan 3’-0”x3’-0” dgn kedalaman gemburan sedalam 1’-0”,pada waktu ini elok ditabur baja organic dengan kadar 5% untuk setiap bahagian tanah.tanam anak serai dalam bentuk bulatan bergaris rentas 18” secara condong menghala ke luar,dan selang tiap2 anak serai ialah sejauh 3” antara satu sama lain.adalah digalakkan menanam anak serai secara berkembar,yakni 2 batang anak serai utk setiap lubang.selepas itu,siram anak serai itu setiap hari,selama 14 hari,awal pagi dan petang.perhatikan jika ada anak serai yang layu/mati mahupun mengalami reput batang,buangkan anak serai tersebut dan gantikan dengan anak serai yg baru.selepas sebulan,benih serai tadi akan mula mengeluarkan tunas2 baru…i`allah.proses pembajaan dilakukan setiap bulan.bulan terakhir sebelum menuai serai,proses pembajaan dihentikan…ini bagi menjimatkan kos dan juga mengurangkan pembaziran tenaga kerja.lebihan tenaga kerja boleh diarahkan menjaga rumpun serai yang baru mahupun membuat kerja-kerja penyediaan tanah.jika diusahakan secara teratur dan giat,sehektar tanaman serai mampu menghasilkan pendapatan sekitar rm2,000-4,000 sebulan bergantung kpd factor harga pemborong,lokasi mahupun musim permintaan.usaha tangga kejayaan.
Utk pengusaha yg ingin menceburi bidang ini secara kecil-kecilan atau hanya untuk beriadah mengeluarkan keringat dihujung minggu…tanaman serai mampu memberi kepuasan dan dpt membantu mengurangkan belanja dapur.disarankan keluasan tanah 10’-0” x 10’-0” dapat menempatkan 9 rumpun serai.setiap hujung minggu,siramlah rumpun serai anda dengan air basuhan beras,air basuhan ikan mahupun baja organic,buang semua rumput disekeliling rumpun serai anda dan buang potong semua daun-daun serai yang layu dan kering,semua aktiviti ini dapat dibereskan dalam jangkamasa 30 minit dan mampu membuatkan anda berpeluh…hanya 30 minit seminggu,setiap hujung minggu dan hasilnya…i`allah selepas 4 bulan rumpun serai anda akan menjadi perhatian jiran tetangga terdekat dan saudara mara yg mengunjungi mahligai anda…serai yg berlebihan bolehlah disedekahkan kpd tetamu mahupun rakan taulan di pejabat dan jiran terdekat.
Cara menanam serai yg diamalkan saya = tanah digemburkan 3’-0”x3’-0” dgn kedalaman gemburan sedalam 1’-0”,pada waktu ini elok ditabur baja organic dengan kadar 5% untuk setiap bahagian tanah.tanam anak serai dalam bentuk bulatan bergaris rentas 18” secara condong menghala ke luar,dan selang tiap2 anak serai ialah sejauh 3” antara satu sama lain.adalah digalakkan menanam anak serai secara berkembar,yakni 2 batang anak serai utk setiap lubang.selepas itu,siram anak serai itu setiap hari,selama 14 hari,awal pagi dan petang.perhatikan jika ada anak serai yang layu/mati mahupun mengalami reput batang,buangkan anak serai tersebut dan gantikan dengan anak serai yg baru.selepas sebulan,benih serai tadi akan mula mengeluarkan tunas2 baru…i`allah.proses pembajaan dilakukan setiap bulan.bulan terakhir sebelum menuai serai,proses pembajaan dihentikan…ini bagi menjimatkan kos dan juga mengurangkan pembaziran tenaga kerja.lebihan tenaga kerja boleh diarahkan menjaga rumpun serai yang baru mahupun membuat kerja-kerja penyediaan tanah.jika diusahakan secara teratur dan giat,sehektar tanaman serai mampu menghasilkan pendapatan sekitar rm2,000-4,000 sebulan bergantung kpd factor harga pemborong,lokasi mahupun musim permintaan.usaha tangga kejayaan.
mr @ristotle...shame on u
Kehidupan yg bermakna,biar dari sudut manapun perspektif yg diambil…menjadi idaman sejagat.antara dimensi-dimensi takrifan tersohor tentang kehidupan yg bermakna – pangkat,kemewahan,darjat/status,kemahsyuran mahupun kekuasaan.kesemua factor tersebut merupakan barometer kepada hampir semua manusia yg mendambakan kehidupan yg bermakna.tanpa pangkat,tanpa darjat tanpa harta kekayaan,hidup ini tidak bererti (life is meaningless) buat segelintir manusia yg beranggapan status quo adalah segala-galanya,hakiki.ako menyebutnya majlis kesyukuran,mereka menggelarnya gala nite,ako membahasakan amal mereka mentakrifnya sebagai festival…haha amat berbeza kehidupan yg ako lalui ini dgn beberapa rakan seangkatan dan seperjuangan…sehaluan namun berlainan destinasi.
Reformis sejati mengabdikan diri,roh dan nurani utk menjadikan kehidupan ini lebih bermakna,atau dalam erti kata yang amat mudah – menjadi lebih baik dr sebelum ini…hijrah.hijrah dr kegelapan kpd sinar,dr lemah kpd hebat,dr mundur kpd sistemetik,dr perhambaan kpd kemerdekaan tulen dsb.tiada yg lebih mulia dr hijrah.bagi seorang reformis tulen,sikap dan keyakinan mesti seiring dengan slogan yg dilaungkan…kehidupan yang adil,saksama,syumul,madani dan mungkin jua hadhari (gonna double check on the latter connotation).setiap kita wajib berkeyakinan bahawa segala kebaikan dan amal baik sesama insan adalah jaminan untuk menjadikan kehidupan ini lebih bermakna buat kita,keluarga,masyarakat,Negara dan alam semesta raya ciptaan Maha Pencipta Segalanya.namun…dalam dunia tanpa sempadan yg semakin panas suhu persekitarannya,konsep perhambaan yg telah lupus ditelan zaman kembali menampakkan riak wajah huduhnya.ako ingin menarik perhatian rakan2 ku semua,bahawa Aristotle (not the shipping tycoon) ahli falsafah greek yg terkenal dan tersohor ada menggambarkan dalam tulisannya tentang ciri2 kehidupan yg bermakna buat bangsa greek yang amat hebat itu : perhambaan!beliau menyimpulkan bahawa terdapat 2 jenis manusia mendiami bumi ini,golongan pertama dilahirkan dgn segala keindahan,kehebatan daya akal,tenaga dan kemahuan…iaitu bangsa yunani yg bertamadun;oleh kerana kesempurnaan ciptaan diri bangsa yunani itu,maka mereka berhak menjadi tuan kpd semua kejadian lain di muka bumi ini…seraya menguasai seluruh kejadian manusia yg lain.golongan selain dari bangsa yunani hanyalah dicipta dengan kelengkapan jasmani,kekuatan fizikal semata tanpa kehebatan akal!!!mereka dari puak ini digelar orang2 liar yang sinonim dengan gelaran barbar…mereka hanya ujud dibumi ini untuk menjadi hamba abdi kpd bangsa greek yg bertamadun,hebat,merdeka dan bebas.
Dunia modern kini,sistem perhambaan berkembang biak dan berpusat di negara2 islam timur tengah,atau lebih tepat lagi…negara2 yg melingkari/berhampiran Persian Gulf.negara2 tersebut pd zaman lampau merupakan pusat perdagangan,gedung ilmu,memiliki tamadun melangkaui peradaban zaman.namun,semua itu tidak bermakna pd waktu ini kerana apa yg ada dan tinggal kini hanyalah secebis dr kegemilangan silam.bangsa greek modern = Negara amerika yg bobrok itu dengan rakus dan tanpa segan menghamba abdikan negara2 timur tengah atas dasar hanya semata2 mahu menjamin kewujudan sebuah Negara kecil yg berbendera tanpa panji,yg merdeka tanpa daulat bernama tanpa wajah,berpengaruh tanpa maruah – Israel.dari golda meir (she needed a chap named ben gorian) ibu Israel (menjahanamkan mesir), hinggalah peristiwa yg merentap jiwa nurani ako sebagai manusia- shabra dan shatilla,dunia hanya mampu melihat sambil menongkat dagu serta berpeluk tubuh menghalalkan kebinasaan di luar akal fikiran manusia diperlakukan Israel yg dinaungi regime zionis antarbangsa terhadap manusia-manusia lemah di timur tengah.mengapa/kenapa(kah) afghan di “ratakan” oleh bom berangkai amerika?adakah kerana minyak?kerana al-qaeda ciptaan Negara bintang dan jalur itu?jauh sekali atas kehadiran bin-laden (ussamah),atau kerana industri agro menanam bunga poppy?jawapan yg tepat = kerana konsep perhambaan...need to refresh myself...taraaa.
Reformis sejati mengabdikan diri,roh dan nurani utk menjadikan kehidupan ini lebih bermakna,atau dalam erti kata yang amat mudah – menjadi lebih baik dr sebelum ini…hijrah.hijrah dr kegelapan kpd sinar,dr lemah kpd hebat,dr mundur kpd sistemetik,dr perhambaan kpd kemerdekaan tulen dsb.tiada yg lebih mulia dr hijrah.bagi seorang reformis tulen,sikap dan keyakinan mesti seiring dengan slogan yg dilaungkan…kehidupan yang adil,saksama,syumul,madani dan mungkin jua hadhari (gonna double check on the latter connotation).setiap kita wajib berkeyakinan bahawa segala kebaikan dan amal baik sesama insan adalah jaminan untuk menjadikan kehidupan ini lebih bermakna buat kita,keluarga,masyarakat,Negara dan alam semesta raya ciptaan Maha Pencipta Segalanya.namun…dalam dunia tanpa sempadan yg semakin panas suhu persekitarannya,konsep perhambaan yg telah lupus ditelan zaman kembali menampakkan riak wajah huduhnya.ako ingin menarik perhatian rakan2 ku semua,bahawa Aristotle (not the shipping tycoon) ahli falsafah greek yg terkenal dan tersohor ada menggambarkan dalam tulisannya tentang ciri2 kehidupan yg bermakna buat bangsa greek yang amat hebat itu : perhambaan!beliau menyimpulkan bahawa terdapat 2 jenis manusia mendiami bumi ini,golongan pertama dilahirkan dgn segala keindahan,kehebatan daya akal,tenaga dan kemahuan…iaitu bangsa yunani yg bertamadun;oleh kerana kesempurnaan ciptaan diri bangsa yunani itu,maka mereka berhak menjadi tuan kpd semua kejadian lain di muka bumi ini…seraya menguasai seluruh kejadian manusia yg lain.golongan selain dari bangsa yunani hanyalah dicipta dengan kelengkapan jasmani,kekuatan fizikal semata tanpa kehebatan akal!!!mereka dari puak ini digelar orang2 liar yang sinonim dengan gelaran barbar…mereka hanya ujud dibumi ini untuk menjadi hamba abdi kpd bangsa greek yg bertamadun,hebat,merdeka dan bebas.
Dunia modern kini,sistem perhambaan berkembang biak dan berpusat di negara2 islam timur tengah,atau lebih tepat lagi…negara2 yg melingkari/berhampiran Persian Gulf.negara2 tersebut pd zaman lampau merupakan pusat perdagangan,gedung ilmu,memiliki tamadun melangkaui peradaban zaman.namun,semua itu tidak bermakna pd waktu ini kerana apa yg ada dan tinggal kini hanyalah secebis dr kegemilangan silam.bangsa greek modern = Negara amerika yg bobrok itu dengan rakus dan tanpa segan menghamba abdikan negara2 timur tengah atas dasar hanya semata2 mahu menjamin kewujudan sebuah Negara kecil yg berbendera tanpa panji,yg merdeka tanpa daulat bernama tanpa wajah,berpengaruh tanpa maruah – Israel.dari golda meir (she needed a chap named ben gorian) ibu Israel (menjahanamkan mesir), hinggalah peristiwa yg merentap jiwa nurani ako sebagai manusia- shabra dan shatilla,dunia hanya mampu melihat sambil menongkat dagu serta berpeluk tubuh menghalalkan kebinasaan di luar akal fikiran manusia diperlakukan Israel yg dinaungi regime zionis antarbangsa terhadap manusia-manusia lemah di timur tengah.mengapa/kenapa(kah) afghan di “ratakan” oleh bom berangkai amerika?adakah kerana minyak?kerana al-qaeda ciptaan Negara bintang dan jalur itu?jauh sekali atas kehadiran bin-laden (ussamah),atau kerana industri agro menanam bunga poppy?jawapan yg tepat = kerana konsep perhambaan...need to refresh myself...taraaa.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Zulhijjah 13 1428.last day of eid adha,another day to attend wedding receptions,an invitation by puan rokiah,a neighbour n khairizam,a relative on my mum’s side.both - holding grand n elaborate banquet celebration.scallops,ribbons,fresh flowers,goodie bags,deejays,coffee corner n sweet delicacies had been a familiar sight,which way u look at such event.tan sris,datuk seris,datuks,puan sris,datin seris,datins n a long list of dignitaries were all present…up n down the red carpet.each n everyone seemed to donned designer labels,clad in a traditional baju kurungs/baju melayus from such n such designer to the more modern n fashionites incline individuals…handbag from coach the least or the tag heuer collection with matching shades n all wool pants from cerrutti.
Urs truly as usual,all jeans n t’s plus weather beaten Durango bootie,pair of shades,a 1970 seiko pentagon chronograph watch,owned by my dad (he gave it to me when he bought an omega…seamaster)…me look out of place- any minute of it.better watch my intake…space is a premium in my size 34 jeans.just had a scoop of nasik minyak n acar buah n one tiny slice of carrot at puan rokiah’s khairizam’s (this guy venture into catfish breeding,n a successful one at his trade,kinda the silent millionaire)place just had a glass of orange juice.met mr awalludin,a mardi HQ personnel at the wedding.he gave me an insight of buffalo latest rearing techniques n know how…cuz my new ventures wud be grooming n fattening buffalo under the tnb national grid high tension power lines,as pasture fields,gonna hv napier grass n satria kazangulla grass planted on those under utilized land beneath the power no breeder of buffalo,what me wanted to do…imported water buffalos from Myanmar…transform em into protein source.prices for livestocks more than double since 2001,a 2 yr old male buffalo can ezily fetch a hefty sum of rm2,400 as of typing.simple maths…a year rearing n fatting a one yr old buffalo calf in a batch of 30 heads will yield a nett return of rm1,000,god willing..amen,all cost about 100 buffalos?who need fund managers to diversify ur investment opportunities and when the nett return ratio outdone initial capital by the ratio of nearly 3:1 risqué takers,high flyers,brave n shrewd tacticians of our modern world will be rewarded = handsomely.think outside the normal box,our 5th PM wise words.if only those autocrats holding offices in our capital metropolis care to lend em ears n spare me their stingy time 10 yrs back…we shud all cruising the banks of sg gombak,inwards that is,on a cruise dinghy powered by lng’s/ngv’s motor.another tourist attraction,besides the ferries wheeler near tasik titiwangsa.all grand metros hv their own river cruise.look no further north…bangkok’s infamous water taxis.southern boarder,our neighbour Singapore has its own water cruise,offering tourists,locals n foreigners alike another refreshing perspective on what the city state has to offer.
Made few phone calls to wud be rubber plantation buyers…arranged a site visit,hopefully closing the deal afterwards…rub my hands in earnest…but wait a sec,did I hear syamsul’s voices echoing inside me head,wanting a pair of new footie boots n baby syark asking me to get him the latest version of resident evil disc or a new traveling backpack for suraya to pack her belonging before parting away to her hostel in a few weeks time?ouchhh reality bites,n it hurts,both my pocket n dream!!!~
Saturday, December 22, 2007
second d@y of bz bz
Zulhijjah 11,second day of the 4 days feisty celebration during eid adha.wokeup in the early morning- routine clock-like punctuality,a must.cant moved n e limbs w/out feeling the soreness n tiredness of every muscle – after effect of confronting a bull buffalo yesterday.went to tesco,yet again after taking oat n 2 slices of fruit cake…my bro n sis were at my home,to celebrate eid n helping in the qurban ritual,alas had to make the trip to tesco…wanted to hv nasik minyak , chicken massalla, grilled steak n egg salad for a grand lunch fit for any king.
Tagged shah along,for she’s the one who’ll foot the tab today.met with kak jamilah,better known to us as kak jamee at tesco,for she’s the wife of former perak mb’s secretary.exchanged greeting n went to pickup 5 chicks,all bar one cut into 16 pieces each.a crate of b grade fresh egg,a box of raisin,a medium size tin of ghee blend,a tin of carnation condense milk,2 pineapples,fresh lettuces,Holland onions,cucumbers,fresh small tomatoes,tesco 5kgs cooking oil,coriander,onion spring n some fresh fruit…namely papayas n rock mellon completed the list.reach home at 9am n after unloading the cargo went to haji ibrahim mahmud’s home…for a power b/fast n discussion or errmm rather an exchanges of ideas,views n perspectives,between the old guard n the new pretender,n a power b/fast indeed.rice vermicelli,buttercake,jelly n several cups of coffee were consumed by urs trulyduring the whole course.brief him on such subject matter as –srar (sekolah rendah agama rakyat) n the visit of our assemblyman,mr ghoi on dec 22 2007.told him the direction the srar task force wanna headed : what,where n when…IT is here to stay told him n needed to be part of the ever changing landscape of the independent srar – challenges n opportunities.adjourned the discussion until further meeting n went straight to the mosque to observed the boys dismantled some steel home around 12:30 n lunch was being served by my sister…know to many as a fan of fine/good food,cant resist the temptation to get my hands on the delicious n yummie nasik minyak and grilled steak,chicken massalla n egg salad…my sister use the thousand island as the salad dressing mixed with virgin olive oil…fingers licking,I’m loving it all in one.the lunch really made my day.missed the better part of Friday sermon for am as full as a ship…haha shame on me!!!around 3:30 went to the village public square to oversee the preparation of erecting canopy n setting up of stalls n other displays were according to pre-planning layout,n also to make sure the boys were motivated,handed em a cartoon of duty free Winston ciggy,refreshment n few others knic-knacks.
Dinner wise = brought the whole family to haji ibrahim’s house,haha syamil brought along his pet : a greenback tortoised,the size of a tennis ball well-placed in his shirt pocket.for he- haji ibrahim wanna celebrate a new addition to his clan,a new grandson.marhaban reciticals were performed by the village elders n the youngsters,a tradition we must never let go off,no matter how trendy,up to date or super achievers we are.reached home well over 10 pm,called it a day,a normal,routine day as 4:45 am,wokeup to keyin these texts n a new day commence…exciting!!!need to vaccum the unser dear sons,n shah wheres my cuff links?
Tagged shah along,for she’s the one who’ll foot the tab today.met with kak jamilah,better known to us as kak jamee at tesco,for she’s the wife of former perak mb’s secretary.exchanged greeting n went to pickup 5 chicks,all bar one cut into 16 pieces each.a crate of b grade fresh egg,a box of raisin,a medium size tin of ghee blend,a tin of carnation condense milk,2 pineapples,fresh lettuces,Holland onions,cucumbers,fresh small tomatoes,tesco 5kgs cooking oil,coriander,onion spring n some fresh fruit…namely papayas n rock mellon completed the list.reach home at 9am n after unloading the cargo went to haji ibrahim mahmud’s home…for a power b/fast n discussion or errmm rather an exchanges of ideas,views n perspectives,between the old guard n the new pretender,n a power b/fast indeed.rice vermicelli,buttercake,jelly n several cups of coffee were consumed by urs trulyduring the whole course.brief him on such subject matter as –srar (sekolah rendah agama rakyat) n the visit of our assemblyman,mr ghoi on dec 22 2007.told him the direction the srar task force wanna headed : what,where n when…IT is here to stay told him n needed to be part of the ever changing landscape of the independent srar – challenges n opportunities.adjourned the discussion until further meeting n went straight to the mosque to observed the boys dismantled some steel home around 12:30 n lunch was being served by my sister…know to many as a fan of fine/good food,cant resist the temptation to get my hands on the delicious n yummie nasik minyak and grilled steak,chicken massalla n egg salad…my sister use the thousand island as the salad dressing mixed with virgin olive oil…fingers licking,I’m loving it all in one.the lunch really made my day.missed the better part of Friday sermon for am as full as a ship…haha shame on me!!!around 3:30 went to the village public square to oversee the preparation of erecting canopy n setting up of stalls n other displays were according to pre-planning layout,n also to make sure the boys were motivated,handed em a cartoon of duty free Winston ciggy,refreshment n few others knic-knacks.
Dinner wise = brought the whole family to haji ibrahim’s house,haha syamil brought along his pet : a greenback tortoised,the size of a tennis ball well-placed in his shirt pocket.for he- haji ibrahim wanna celebrate a new addition to his clan,a new grandson.marhaban reciticals were performed by the village elders n the youngsters,a tradition we must never let go off,no matter how trendy,up to date or super achievers we are.reached home well over 10 pm,called it a day,a normal,routine day as 4:45 am,wokeup to keyin these texts n a new day commence…exciting!!!need to vaccum the unser dear sons,n shah wheres my cuff links?
be it or be@t way or another :)
Asereje…a song by girls quartet-les ketchup.relating the name fleshing by those gals…need no more ketchup sauce,life,del monte (oww grown up on those del monte sauce),magi,Kimball,jalen,aminah hassan,yakin,kasturi etc etc…watchout don’t spill the sauce on ur robe,pls .actually sofea was using urs truly other haf notebook n all song she did hear from the laptop windows media player playlist asreje nowadays tend to outdo us…the more salty wiser parents.a fact not to be shied about.shud bragged bout that once in a while when the occasion arose…at year end get together amongst siblings .my third son represented his school in so and so competition,my youngest won the so and so essay writing comp…so on n on we cracked a few acknowledgment bout our kids as high achievers.
However high achievers might be them,our kids will always be our kids,no matter what,no matter how ol they were…we parents forever will refer em as our “kids”.who determined when they can go out to movies with their frens?or hanging about at bowling center or just a simple trip to the flashy trendy n upbeat boutique they frequent?the dogma : mama will be ur chaperon,ayah will drive u there n pick u up at 5:00 pm.even the sms doctor who went to the cosmos n back (he = sheikh muszaphar shukor) need his parents as his source of strength,don’t believe me…go n ask him.he the mighty cosmonaut orbited our ball shaped planet(me cant even figured out how many time he did orbited earth) and shud be warrior needs his mum’s n dad’s shoulder to frank to oneself…w/out em we forever will be mere mortals,no thomb stone,no memorial.they (parents) above rest,head n shoulders (not the shampoo brand of course la) leaps n bounds forever be our knight in the shining armour, battle ready.wud be witches readily thrown their gauntlet down,in awe of those mighty knights presence.
Esprit de corpe,(the whole wordings)first made known to me by my English teacher,mrs khor when I was in primary 3.comrade,code of silence (casa nostra),ku klux klan,natzi,yakuza etc spirit must be instilled n inculcated amongst our kids.go on,wrong me be,pls.heart n soul trusted my intuition,hunch,prophecy…we need to be one,ayah,mama sons/daughters.xtended families we stand we will be no pushover,em will be over pushers.bad gospel mongers pls take heed…our forefathers aint be here w/out our great forefathers n mothers.they the true champion pioneer granddaddy one such example I cud think of…the one whom the great sultan of perak (sultan iskandar)summoned to clear n level the peak of bukit chandan …he wanted to build a majestic Moorish architecture palace on top of the hill.since my grand dad = Javanese headman/chieftain in n around the district of kuala kangsar during his days,he took up the responsibility to make it a grand success not only for the Javanese community at the time,but also ppl of kuala kangsar,the project.he supplied many great,hardworking javanese coolie n made it a personal goal,his no 1 pet,n in a short period of time,they moved a mountain n a hill,literally speaking.the Javanese labour brought from across the strait were housed in a settlement what to be known now as jalan baru,kuala kangsar.the great sultan personnaly awarded my granddad a motorcar,a luxury more than a necessity during the era.when my granddad passed away at the grand age of 100 ++ yrs,the local council honored its humble citizen by putting a road sign that reads : Lorong Haji Muhammad,Kuala to all Haji Muhammad bloodlines,be as humble and as simple as ur great forefather…he who commands my utmost respect.down to earth, stamped n sealed.
However high achievers might be them,our kids will always be our kids,no matter what,no matter how ol they were…we parents forever will refer em as our “kids”.who determined when they can go out to movies with their frens?or hanging about at bowling center or just a simple trip to the flashy trendy n upbeat boutique they frequent?the dogma : mama will be ur chaperon,ayah will drive u there n pick u up at 5:00 pm.even the sms doctor who went to the cosmos n back (he = sheikh muszaphar shukor) need his parents as his source of strength,don’t believe me…go n ask him.he the mighty cosmonaut orbited our ball shaped planet(me cant even figured out how many time he did orbited earth) and shud be warrior needs his mum’s n dad’s shoulder to frank to oneself…w/out em we forever will be mere mortals,no thomb stone,no memorial.they (parents) above rest,head n shoulders (not the shampoo brand of course la) leaps n bounds forever be our knight in the shining armour, battle ready.wud be witches readily thrown their gauntlet down,in awe of those mighty knights presence.
Esprit de corpe,(the whole wordings)first made known to me by my English teacher,mrs khor when I was in primary 3.comrade,code of silence (casa nostra),ku klux klan,natzi,yakuza etc spirit must be instilled n inculcated amongst our kids.go on,wrong me be,pls.heart n soul trusted my intuition,hunch,prophecy…we need to be one,ayah,mama sons/daughters.xtended families we stand we will be no pushover,em will be over pushers.bad gospel mongers pls take heed…our forefathers aint be here w/out our great forefathers n mothers.they the true champion pioneer granddaddy one such example I cud think of…the one whom the great sultan of perak (sultan iskandar)summoned to clear n level the peak of bukit chandan …he wanted to build a majestic Moorish architecture palace on top of the hill.since my grand dad = Javanese headman/chieftain in n around the district of kuala kangsar during his days,he took up the responsibility to make it a grand success not only for the Javanese community at the time,but also ppl of kuala kangsar,the project.he supplied many great,hardworking javanese coolie n made it a personal goal,his no 1 pet,n in a short period of time,they moved a mountain n a hill,literally speaking.the Javanese labour brought from across the strait were housed in a settlement what to be known now as jalan baru,kuala kangsar.the great sultan personnaly awarded my granddad a motorcar,a luxury more than a necessity during the era.when my granddad passed away at the grand age of 100 ++ yrs,the local council honored its humble citizen by putting a road sign that reads : Lorong Haji Muhammad,Kuala to all Haji Muhammad bloodlines,be as humble and as simple as ur great forefather…he who commands my utmost respect.down to earth, stamped n sealed.
not yet...not @gain!!!~
Which is which?what is what?where is where?when is when?no ending to mother nature ways of curing her illness/sickness.on this isolated island of urs,we call the healing process = wrath,act of highest power of absolute power said one distinguished minister.pls my frens/foes do not make mischief,ever to mother earth!!!~numero uno no no period full stop nought.
Think bout all the water = liquid,crystal,creamy,fluffy etc coming down from sky.there was no concrete dam once,to hold those zillions of cubic meter or other empirical measurement unit such as gallon,liter n not so scientific usage – barrel,truck load,pail etc.only the great flood (noah a.s) ever recorded on record =
…..because of their transgressions,they were drowned n destined for hell.they had none to help em against God… (Noah 71:1-26)
At present we hv the great kenyir,the gargantuan temenggor,the bersia,the pedu lake,the..the..the etcs bakun included in the not so far future.yet…each monsoon season the evacuates double or triple folded in increment.mind boggling n energy sapping to many poor soul,hard thinking clueless solution in the brain storming,think tank group who only worship = the 5 sigmas…poor ooo poor ppl ur in the wrong level or even directionless.misses the ark completely u guys hehe.stop cutting/falling down trees.yeap stop the forest/jungle/bush/shrub palm oil tree pls.enuff is enuff.did u know it takes between half a century to more than a century for jungle n forest to replenish its ownself?meaning to say : no way jose cud u ever replace the gone giant redwood,the axebreaker,the berlian,the malam,the chengal batu/emas,the rosewood,the mahagony,the teak or even the humble merbau in ur life grandmum once showed me a pix of her,in her mid 40s standing infront of a Californian giant redwood,which had a road passing thru its base trunk,a pleasure to see her all in mitten,windbreaker n insulated boots.p.s she was in califronia for 3 yrs-working n during breaks she went hiking all over California,Yosemite national park she did go n snapped those lovely majestic the tree,she had to snap thrice just to make sure she hd the giant redwood pix in total from tip to end.did try to search for the tree when had the chance to go up there,Yosemite…to no avail…poor soul me!!!~
Banned illegal logging,shut down all logging operation…abolish all logging compartment tenders let say for a decade..across board,sabah or no sabah swak or no swak…peninsular in the list too.wait n see,cuz with mother nature,we must be patience.adequate time must be permitted for mother nature to readjust her self control panel,am sure positively confident after 10 more hairy flood.flood will always be with us…no white lie here,no matter what,but the catastrophic flooding aint going to be a ritual.
The ppl (read gov) esp the state gov wud say : we lost this much millions w/out the logging tenders…cry ooo baby cry with crocodile tears on each cheek.yeap correct,ur dead on target.but what about joe/jane public who lost everything…plus the damaged public roads,bridges,infrastructures etc not to mention all u can eat/drink free blankets,sarongs,telekungs,towels etc provided by the authority,local,state or federal funding to those affected by flood?sheet!!!u guys cant even calculate one minus one equal zero…sad!!!mind u the state gov always short changed by the timber operator…just a small token/portion u guys get when putting out bidding for logging right.premium,docket of em..poured into those timber tycoons’ coffer/s,they emselves as rich as king of any land of morning star.silly me…no silly u!!!dot.
Think bout all the water = liquid,crystal,creamy,fluffy etc coming down from sky.there was no concrete dam once,to hold those zillions of cubic meter or other empirical measurement unit such as gallon,liter n not so scientific usage – barrel,truck load,pail etc.only the great flood (noah a.s) ever recorded on record =
…..because of their transgressions,they were drowned n destined for hell.they had none to help em against God… (Noah 71:1-26)
At present we hv the great kenyir,the gargantuan temenggor,the bersia,the pedu lake,the..the..the etcs bakun included in the not so far future.yet…each monsoon season the evacuates double or triple folded in increment.mind boggling n energy sapping to many poor soul,hard thinking clueless solution in the brain storming,think tank group who only worship = the 5 sigmas…poor ooo poor ppl ur in the wrong level or even directionless.misses the ark completely u guys hehe.stop cutting/falling down trees.yeap stop the forest/jungle/bush/shrub palm oil tree pls.enuff is enuff.did u know it takes between half a century to more than a century for jungle n forest to replenish its ownself?meaning to say : no way jose cud u ever replace the gone giant redwood,the axebreaker,the berlian,the malam,the chengal batu/emas,the rosewood,the mahagony,the teak or even the humble merbau in ur life grandmum once showed me a pix of her,in her mid 40s standing infront of a Californian giant redwood,which had a road passing thru its base trunk,a pleasure to see her all in mitten,windbreaker n insulated boots.p.s she was in califronia for 3 yrs-working n during breaks she went hiking all over California,Yosemite national park she did go n snapped those lovely majestic the tree,she had to snap thrice just to make sure she hd the giant redwood pix in total from tip to end.did try to search for the tree when had the chance to go up there,Yosemite…to no avail…poor soul me!!!~
Banned illegal logging,shut down all logging operation…abolish all logging compartment tenders let say for a decade..across board,sabah or no sabah swak or no swak…peninsular in the list too.wait n see,cuz with mother nature,we must be patience.adequate time must be permitted for mother nature to readjust her self control panel,am sure positively confident after 10 more hairy flood.flood will always be with us…no white lie here,no matter what,but the catastrophic flooding aint going to be a ritual.
The ppl (read gov) esp the state gov wud say : we lost this much millions w/out the logging tenders…cry ooo baby cry with crocodile tears on each cheek.yeap correct,ur dead on target.but what about joe/jane public who lost everything…plus the damaged public roads,bridges,infrastructures etc not to mention all u can eat/drink free blankets,sarongs,telekungs,towels etc provided by the authority,local,state or federal funding to those affected by flood?sheet!!!u guys cant even calculate one minus one equal zero…sad!!!mind u the state gov always short changed by the timber operator…just a small token/portion u guys get when putting out bidding for logging right.premium,docket of em..poured into those timber tycoons’ coffer/s,they emselves as rich as king of any land of morning star.silly me…no silly u!!!dot.
r@ya...brings ppl 2gether
Zulhijjah 10,1428 = dec 20 2007.eid adha,to all muslims in msia.the wukuf was infact yesterday…in the Saudi kingdom.all worshippers as of typing is now officially known as haj/hajjah,they the choosen one,all salute n respect – worthy of the cause.
Went to the asy-syakirin mosque,100 meters from home with my other haf n the kids after having our usual brief b/fast thou menu of the morning was a grand one = nasik impit,ground/cashew nuts gravy,lodeh,rendang n pasta with meat sauce.felt a bit groggy cuz went to sleep around 5 am.old friendship were rekindle n renewed at the mosque,frens n ol buddies making the annual homecoming trip back to the neighbourhood.pleasing n comforting to see so many familiar faces,hamdan,yazid,amirul,hardy,khairul,muaamar,zairul,zahier,harris,zaki,
Fakhrul,fendi,wan noor,wan,putra,roslan,shahril n many others.
After the prayer,the bigger boys n me went to perform the qurban ritual…slaughtering a buffalo.with the willing helping hands of the locals n orphanage committee members,the whole process took a lil bit more than an hour to complete.around noon went straight home n shah was waiting eagerly for the fresh meat n bones…to cook dish of the day – meat rice.
She’d already soak the moghul basmathi rice n prepared the raw ingredients beforehand,so that by the time the boys n me had taken our showers n zuhur prayer…the sumptuous n delicious meet rice was all for us to savour…we had lunch at 2:30,syahrin as usual leads the prayer,thanking n seeking blessing from Allah,the al-mighty Lord.
As it happens,baby syark’s bday coincidently falls on the same day as eid adha,so it was a double celebration for our family this year.while I was away attending to the qurban process,shah had made the trip to the baker’s to pickup baby syark’s bday cake.hehe it seemed that she had made an error of judgement,coz baby syark sticked to her side like leech,pestering her to let him cut the cake!!!around 4pm went to a pet store nearby,namely abc pet shop (straight forward bzness addresse,iznt it?) in ipoh garden east n bought baby syark’s bday present,on behalf of my other half (she had promised the lil guy for a few weeks)…small animal cage n its accessories such as feeding bottle,bowl,cubes alfalfa hay,minerals bar,vits,shampoo n a set of playden – for his anggora wabbits – clikey,the male wabbit n lil becky, a black n white female.after asar prayer we had a private celebration,yet a bubbly one for baby syark’s bday.he cut the cake merrily n we all sang allah selamatkan kamu n hepi bday baby syark…followed by photo shoots.he was all smiles – ear to ear.his bros had pooled their pocket money to buy him a ps2 cds n his sisters gave him hugs n kisses on both cheeks plus a packet of sea weed,one of baby syark’s fav “junkie”.as for me…my usual present = a prayer to god for the well being of baby syark in all fields of life,amen!!!while bz celebrating baby syark’s special day makcik nafisah,a family fren n our neighbour dropped by n invited us all to her home right after isya’- raya to conclude my typing…went to her home,enjoyed the good food n company of my fellow muslims,mingled among the crowd - poking fun here n there,more food,puffed few sticks of ciggy n after a while it was time to call it a day (the boys n gals had made an earlier trip home bound – they the telly addicted generation).walked n lead shah (hand in hand) home,as usual.paused for a few brief moment in front of our gate n told her “tomorrow early in the morning remind me to send back wan noor’s cargo cage k,yang”.eid adha…its magix brings ppl together - for a common cause.
Went to the asy-syakirin mosque,100 meters from home with my other haf n the kids after having our usual brief b/fast thou menu of the morning was a grand one = nasik impit,ground/cashew nuts gravy,lodeh,rendang n pasta with meat sauce.felt a bit groggy cuz went to sleep around 5 am.old friendship were rekindle n renewed at the mosque,frens n ol buddies making the annual homecoming trip back to the neighbourhood.pleasing n comforting to see so many familiar faces,hamdan,yazid,amirul,hardy,khairul,muaamar,zairul,zahier,harris,zaki,
Fakhrul,fendi,wan noor,wan,putra,roslan,shahril n many others.
After the prayer,the bigger boys n me went to perform the qurban ritual…slaughtering a buffalo.with the willing helping hands of the locals n orphanage committee members,the whole process took a lil bit more than an hour to complete.around noon went straight home n shah was waiting eagerly for the fresh meat n bones…to cook dish of the day – meat rice.
She’d already soak the moghul basmathi rice n prepared the raw ingredients beforehand,so that by the time the boys n me had taken our showers n zuhur prayer…the sumptuous n delicious meet rice was all for us to savour…we had lunch at 2:30,syahrin as usual leads the prayer,thanking n seeking blessing from Allah,the al-mighty Lord.
As it happens,baby syark’s bday coincidently falls on the same day as eid adha,so it was a double celebration for our family this year.while I was away attending to the qurban process,shah had made the trip to the baker’s to pickup baby syark’s bday cake.hehe it seemed that she had made an error of judgement,coz baby syark sticked to her side like leech,pestering her to let him cut the cake!!!around 4pm went to a pet store nearby,namely abc pet shop (straight forward bzness addresse,iznt it?) in ipoh garden east n bought baby syark’s bday present,on behalf of my other half (she had promised the lil guy for a few weeks)…small animal cage n its accessories such as feeding bottle,bowl,cubes alfalfa hay,minerals bar,vits,shampoo n a set of playden – for his anggora wabbits – clikey,the male wabbit n lil becky, a black n white female.after asar prayer we had a private celebration,yet a bubbly one for baby syark’s bday.he cut the cake merrily n we all sang allah selamatkan kamu n hepi bday baby syark…followed by photo shoots.he was all smiles – ear to ear.his bros had pooled their pocket money to buy him a ps2 cds n his sisters gave him hugs n kisses on both cheeks plus a packet of sea weed,one of baby syark’s fav “junkie”.as for me…my usual present = a prayer to god for the well being of baby syark in all fields of life,amen!!!while bz celebrating baby syark’s special day makcik nafisah,a family fren n our neighbour dropped by n invited us all to her home right after isya’- raya to conclude my typing…went to her home,enjoyed the good food n company of my fellow muslims,mingled among the crowd - poking fun here n there,more food,puffed few sticks of ciggy n after a while it was time to call it a day (the boys n gals had made an earlier trip home bound – they the telly addicted generation).walked n lead shah (hand in hand) home,as usual.paused for a few brief moment in front of our gate n told her “tomorrow early in the morning remind me to send back wan noor’s cargo cage k,yang”.eid adha…its magix brings ppl together - for a common cause.
Arini hari yg paling bermakna bagi semua umat islam,dimana jua anda berada.10 zulhijjah diraikan saban tahun oleh umat Muhammad saw.selaras dgn kehendak dan tuntutan agama islam yg kita anuti,semua org2 yg beriman dan bertaqwa akan bertasbih,bertahmid dan bertakbir sebaik shj terbenam matahari 9 hb zulhijjah,tidak terkecuali diri saya yg maha kerdil ini.amalan bertakbir bertasbih dan bertahmid telah dipupuk sedari kecil lagi oleh arwah ayah disayangi dan juga mama tercinta yg mementingkan nilai2 murni seorg muslim sejati dalam didikan mereka kpd kami..anak2 mrk.
seperti hari yg terindah,seindah matahari pagi menyinari alam ini,ayah dan mama tidak putus2/jemu2/henti2 mendidik kami dengan segala ilmu,baik dr segi ilmu duniawi dan ukhrawi.tuntutan kita sebagai insan yg diamanahkan menjaga alam ini – kita wajib menjadikan setiap hari dr hidup kita seceria mungkin,sehebat mungkin,sebaik mungkin dsb.ibadah qurban telah diamalkan oleh ayah dan mama seingat saya sejak dr saya kecil hinggalah kehari ini,tidak pernah ketinggalan menunaikan kewajipan sebagai muslim yg taat kpd perintahNYA dan meninggalkan segala laranganNYA.adakala sebahagian dr 7 bahagian utk seekor ternakan lembu/kerbau…mahupun seekor ternakan.atas sikap dan amalan mereka ini,saya sendiri dan keluarga telah mula menjadikan amalan bekorban ternakan utk hari paling besar bagi seluruh umat islam satu tuntutan agama yg dapat menyembuhkan hati/jiwa/rohani/nurani dan juga jasmani dari berbagai sifat mazmumah.
Wahai kawan2 ku,bekorban lah apa shj atas jalan allah.harta bertimbun,emas bercupak,duit berkepuk bukan jaminan utk kehidupan yg bahagia.kebahgiaan tidak dapat dirasai oleh org2 yg tamak,haloba dan bakhil (not akhil baligh…hehe).kehidupan yg sempurna ialah kehidupan yg sederhana dan mendapat keredhaan allah,di bumi ini.apakah sumbangan kita sebagai muslimin/muslimat utk menjadikan alam ini sebaik2 tempat utk menghayati kehidupan yg diingini?seri laman,kerukunan rekabentuk istana impian mahupun kehebatan alamat sahaja tidak memadai jika dalam kejiranan kita masih ada yg merintih utk mendapatkan sesuap nasik.oleh itu ayuhlah rakan2 ku marilah kita berganding bahu menjadikan hari raya qurban ini titik tolak kepada permulaan yg lebih bermakna buat kita mendambakan diri kita kpd kerja2 kebajikan dan amalan tanpa mengharapkan balasan.sertailah mana2 ngo pon.dr bulan sabit merah,puteri islam,pasukan kadet di peringkat sekolah mahupon pergerakan belia 4B,abim,mercymalaysia,suaram,greenpeace di peringkat yg lebih tinggi dll.ingatlah bahawa tangan yg menyumbang itu lebih baik dr tangan yg menerima.siapakah hartawan yg terkaya dikalangan bani quraisy?apakah yg dimiliki beliau selepas memeluk agama allah yg diredhai ini?tepuk dada Tanya selera.
Allah maha besar allah maha besar allah maha besar!!!~
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
eid @dha...time 2 4give n 4got
alpha fem@le...sight to behold
This jolly season : eid adha,xmas,new year.looking forward to this coming thursday,one of the greatest of all day,mother of all eid-eid adha,10 zulhijjah 1428H.that day we’ll slaughter a buffalo for an orphanage in tanah hitam,chemor…a short trip north from our home.nasik impit,groundnut mixed with cashew nut gravy,lodeh n rendang – a must mouth watering menu,akin to lemon snowbar n pudding for xmas must be there come snow or flood no matter what cuz as Javanese family,yeap prefer to be a java than a Siamese other haf readily went to tesco extra,where else, in anticipation of a crowdless,hassle free shopping around 5pm today.haha she cant even find a parking space upon entering tesco extra vast n well covered parking bays,as she wud normally do =drive n park n go back home she went n waited n waited for my humble arrival,n waited she did…till she hd to rang me up asking for my where about,since the kancil’s with me.after a good maghrib prayer,went to tesco,yet again.this time ladyluck’s on our side.managed to find a place to park the road worthy kancil and off we went.grabbed the much needed stainless steel trolly zipped thru the auto gated hoarding at a frantic pace…need to make sure beat every other shopper at the cashier’s counter . first stop = nasik impit adabi,the economical 30 small packets,2 of those pls tesco ground nuts,2 1 kilo pack..half a kilo cashews,a few packs of puchuk and suhoon,a tin of carnation milk,5 kgs fine granulated sugar…next the fresh vegy section : French beans,carrot,red chillis,cauliflower,capcicum or bell peppers-she bought the green only capcicum cuz its cheaper hehe,cabbage,tempe (she bought 10 packs of tempe),turnip,kim cham.a brief visit to meaty section – oz tripe n saudi’s mince meat,she chucked 2 bars into the shopping cart,then headed off to the condense coconut milk section,she took 3 boxes of those followed to the pasta aisle n selected san remo fettucini at rm3.39 per pack she grabbed 2 of those n off we went to hv a bottle of life tomato sauce,a can of yeos tomato puree and alishan button mushroom,a can is enuff…next a stop at the bakery sect yielded 3 gardenia loafs,the jumbo option of coz 3 packs of potato bun and 2 plain nan bread,produce of home bakery.after that a visit to seafood dept,she frantically filled up the plastic beg with prawn rm9.79 per kilo,followed by a stop at siakap icebox,she picked 6 siakaps n headed straight to the weighing she merrily picked/choosed n selected the said items,my eyes wander aimlessly around the store saw small kids,big kids n not so big/small kids.few were pushing or errr rather the correct way = pull the shopping cart,many others were happy enuff just to sit in the cart itself once,a striking idea popped up.recalling my handson xperience during xmas raiding the Lakewood mall for a pair of speakers at circuit city’s kiosk= using the automated shopping cart,yeap similar to those golfers buggy but smaller in width n length.if only tesco wud offer a local order.licking my lips in zest for the prospect of yet another brain damaging proposal…think me must flipped thru cobwebs of innovative idea for this new idea…n of course the battery powered cart must bear the testament of my labour…no glassfiber resin body parts pls,eco friendly speaks volume now a days.a nudge from shah got my attention at task on hand…pushing the three quarter laden shopping trolly to the personal hygene sect.she told me to start looking for our boys’ n gal’s personnel care,namely new tooth brushes,tooth pastes,soaps,hair cream,cotton bud,roll on deo sticks (ehhh…) n shampoo cuz they’ll be away to their respective hostels in 2 weeks time.had a hard time finding the hair cream coz they (tesco xtra) had moved the item towards the end of the aisle.haha lucky as always,got the attention of a bangla stocker n he lead me towards the said item.need 3 of those hair cream for my boys.selected the This jolly season : eid adha,xmas,new year.looking forward to this coming thursday,one of the greatest of all day,mother of all eid-eid adha,10 zulhijjah 1428H.that day we’ll slaughter a buffalo for an orphanage in tanah hitam,chemor…a short trip north from our home.nasik impit,groundnut mixed with cashew nut gravy,lodeh n rendang – a must mouth watering menu,akin to lemon snowbar n pudding for xmas must be there come snow or flood no matter what cuz as Javanese family,yeap prefer to be a java than a Siamese other haf readily went to tesco extra,where else, in anticipation of a crowdless,hassle free shopping around 5pm today.haha she cant even find a parking space upon entering tesco extra vast n well covered parking bays,as she wud normally do =drive n park n go back home she went n waited n waited for my humble arrival,n waited she did…till she hd to rang me up asking for my where about,since the kancil’s with me.after a good maghrib prayer,went to tesco,yet again.this time ladyluck’s on our side.managed to find a place to park the road worthy kancil and off we went.grabbed the much needed stainless steel trolly zipped thru the auto gated hoarding at a frantic pace…need to make sure beat every other shopper at the cashier’s counter . first stop = nasik impit adabi,the economical 30 small packets,2 of those pls tesco ground nuts,2 1 kilo pack..half a kilo cashews,a few packs of puchuk and suhoon,a tin of carnation milk,5 kgs fine granulated sugar…next the fresh vegy section : French beans,carrot,red chillis,cauliflower,capcicum or bell peppers-she bought the green only capcicum cuz its cheaper hehe,cabbage,tempe (she bought 10 packs of tempe),turnip,kim cham.a brief visit to meaty section – oz tripe n saudi’s mince meat,she chucked 2 bars into the shopping cart,then headed off to the condense coconut milk section,she took 3 boxes of those followed to the pasta aisle n selected san remo fettucini at rm3.39 per pack she grabbed 2 of those n off we went to hv a bottle of life tomato sauce,a can of yeos tomato puree and alishan button mushroom,a can is enuff…next a stop at the bakery sect yielded 3 gardenia loafs,the jumbo option of coz 3 packs of potato bun and 2 plain nan bread,produce of home bakery.after that a visit to seafood dept,she frantically filled up the plastic beg with prawn rm9.79 per kilo,followed by a stop at siakap icebox,she picked 6 siakaps n headed straight to the weighing she merrily picked/choosed n selected the said items,my eyes wander aimlessly around the store saw small kids,big kids n not so big/small kids.few were pushing or errr rather the correct way = pull the shopping cart,many others were happy enuff just to sit in the cart itself once,a striking idea popped up.recalling my handson xperience during xmas raiding the Lakewood mall for a pair of speakers at circuit city’s kiosk= using the automated shopping cart,yeap similar to those golfers buggy but smaller in width n length.if only tesco wud offer a local order.licking my lips in zest for the prospect of yet another brain damaging proposal…think me must flipped thru cobwebs of innovative idea for this new idea…n of course the battery powered cart must bear the testament of my labour…no glassfiber resin body parts pls,eco friendly speaks volume now a days.a nudge from shah got my attention at task on hand…pushing the three quarter laden shopping trolly to the personal hygene sect.she told me to start looking for our boys’ n gal’s personnel care,namely new tooth brushes,tooth pastes,soaps,hair cream,cotton bud,roll on deo sticks (ehhh…) n shampoo cuz they’ll be away to their respective hostels in 2 weeks time.had a hard time finding the hair cream coz they (tesco xtra) had moved the item towards the end of the aisle.haha lucky as always,got the attention of a bangla stocker n he lead me towards the said item.need 3 of those hair cream for my boys.selected the medium size container,on offer rm4.49 per container.after making sure everything’s in the cart we hurriedly make a beeline towards the checkout counter.wait in line for no time.hats off to the Q champion attendant,she did a marvelous job to make sure hassle free checking out for each n every customers.dropped by at king’s confectionary afterwards n ordered a one kilo blueberry chese cake for baby syark’s bday.deposited half the amount stated n off we went home.kiddos we ushered to do their part : fetching begs n begs of grocery n stacked items in the freezer n pantry.need to start em young,so hopefully when they hv their own kitchen they will be organized n systematic in running theirs.ur kitchen is a reflection of ur office guys…messy kitchen means = uncoordinated office space,shabby n in a sorry state!!!~syamil gave us a hard time of not buying him a kitkat while sofea need some juicy fruit chewinggum… had to make another outing,tis time around to the mamak’s store…brought syamil along,his face full of smiles.god,he’s so handsome,good looking,presentable n adorable if all’s well…wait till the typhoon in him boils over,no shelter can bears the wrath of his amok.handed him rm10.00 n he got himself 2 bars of kitkat.hehe kids will always be kids,that’s y life is s0 beautiful cuz we are bless with this cute adorable creature we refer to as kids he/she’s a jolly good fellow,kid u know…w/out them life will be so unmanageable n dull…speedy recovery to fatin may ur fever subsides...n u'll be up n running in no time...amen.God bless all!!!~
roses @rent alwiz red...but they do come in red @rent they...?
Egg is telo
wood is kayu
when I tido
I teringatkan u…haha funny words (cheah chan yuen 6A)
Those sweet phrases n many more were the art work of my primary schoolmates...inked n sealed in my autograph book.kept the hardbound to these days cuz most of the writings were special to me,as a classmate,friend n human.
One friend wrote : u always shared ur nasik goring with me…hope we can be classmates again…by rafiuddin bin abu baker,yeap his father’s name is abu baker originated from madras,India.sadly we parted company – he went to mrsm kulim and ur not so sparky here went to star ipoh.
One of my ustazah wrote : dear rizq,pls look down to the fresh green grass occasionally when ure upthere one day cuz..that’s where u once were…ustazah halimah binti ibrahim.plainly a second look need not be gazed towards these 3 sweet written phrases,yet it struck me when I went thru those pages during my college I longed to be with em companion,craved the sweet boyhood memories n the motherly voices of my ustazahs n teachers…puan zainab,mrs khor,ms basha n mrs lee,the strict mr mat anjang pulau,mr warren,mr lee,cikgu zainal n others…all tribute to em.w/out them urs truly wont be no where near the present mark.
Puan zainab n mrs lee were my boy scout or wolfie cub teachers.from em I learned survival skills,knot tying,compass and map reading.went on to attain my silver patch at the annual boy scouts was fun n personally I hd a good outing,finishing third overall in the map reading competition,whereas in the knot tying event came 7th overall from 30 plus contestants.
Mr Lee n cikgu zainal were our school football coaches.under their tutolage I learned the rope of becoming a good central defender.they demonstrated to me about positioning,perfect timing,the art of tackling a center forward and most of important – fair play.they inculcated good values to us,the school footballers to be proud achievers,passionate team player,seeking none personal glory (no one above the team) n instilled great team spirit.we emerged as runnersup in the district championship,narrowly beaten by the better technically n tactically and far superior talent of sk sg rokam(had a hard time containing their center forwad-rahmat(hes a big,burly strong as a bull yet with quickest of feet…one of 6 org asli kids in sk sg rokam team sheet)a didier drogba as what to chelsea,spearheading the rentless attack on opponent’s goal as rahmat to sk sg rokam.were beaten what seemingly as endless as the flow of a river in the final,luckily adnan my sweeper and team captain save my blushes except for one great body move by rahmat managed to out witted both of us and resulted in a one nil defeat;as a footnote sk sg rokam went all the way,emerging as the state level champion that year…1979.three of my teammates went on to donned the state colors in the mssm competition,me not included since am still nursing a toe injury – a hairline fracture when I took a dive to save what looked like an apparent goal during a goal mouth scrambled;a goal line clearance n in doing so crashed my toe against the upright!!!took 6 months of healing ankle was incast for 3 weeks n had to be treated by a fracture bomoh…six agonizing months just flew thru the mum was all worried that am not going to overcome the injury,mind u limping for the best part of half a year.hehe looking back at what seems to be hard put to walk,am convinced w/out the injury am able to give other defender run for their money for a place in the state team.
Mrs Khor and ms basha were the school choir conductors.yeap am in the school choir roster punctuality = is the doctrine.good vocal but no self discipline or u show up late for practises,they will be mad as a march hare;out u go.their rule = make it simple n fuss free.we must be as keen as a mustard to be a member of the school choir,told mrs basha.most of us,the choirboys had to stay back at school thrice a week to sort our vocal out,we had to sing our heart out,shouting,whisper,hissing in front of a mirror!!!after 2 months of intensive training we were all ready to be an assemble.since our school choir –all boy choir,we cant make a lasting impression on the judges,we aint in the consolation prize,even,tell u haha!!p.s. our voices were as loud as thunder,as sour as vinegar and as hoarse as a crow,all in one package put together!!!hehe.
Cikgu mat anjang pulau (now a registrar of marriage)was my class teacher,6A and the school hockey coach.his son,noor azlan bin mat was a classmate of mine.cikgu mat drives a blue mazda 808 ferrying half a dozen kids from his residential area to school,daily.during that period of time its common practice for teachers to act as a chauffer to schoolkids car by bus,by truck,yeap truck aka school ferry deployed by the msian arm forces to transport army personnel’s kids to school,by motorbike,by bicycle,walk to school n by trishaw,u name it.cikgu mat,one of the stricter teacher teached me maths and bahasa malaysia.moulded me to appreciate figures n actual facts,his method n pedagogy of teaching the subject took my fullest attention n for the benefit of it,at par with mohd najib bin alwi ( my fellow starian n a medical practitioner right now) the school best dint of learning the formule,am able to solve quite a number of quizzical mathematical equation.
In token of gratitude to my past masters-I salute u all for shapes,mould n form iam now,aint a jaundiced eye,neither a knotty problem guy,neither a left handed compliment nor an idle talk man.just a plain simple,fair copy,happy medium chap.
Jasni jaal = hp accounts manager,industrial division
Rafiuddin abu baker = certified public accountant
Mohd najib alwi = md (usm)
Adnan = unit head,directorate dewan bandaraya ipoh
Azizul hisham aziz zaman = full colonel in the rmf,as of typing based in lebonan under the malcon II peace keeping forces,his last email dated dec 2,2007…”just 8 map cliques from the hizbollah front line”
Azhan nordin = pilot,royal msian airforce
Azizul zam zam amin = pilot,royal msian airforce
Sam thean sun = it store operator
Roslan sheriff = it vendor projek lebuh raya utara selatan (PLUS)
Sundra kantha = chemical engineer
Lee kean cheong = audiophiles store proprietor
Rizq = street peddling hawker
Mohd nizam aris = formerly a warrant officer with msian army,now a successful eateries co-owner
Azizul kama abd aziz = palm oil tycoon
Aminuddin abd hamid = project engineer,uem builders
wood is kayu
when I tido
I teringatkan u…haha funny words (cheah chan yuen 6A)
Those sweet phrases n many more were the art work of my primary schoolmates...inked n sealed in my autograph book.kept the hardbound to these days cuz most of the writings were special to me,as a classmate,friend n human.
One friend wrote : u always shared ur nasik goring with me…hope we can be classmates again…by rafiuddin bin abu baker,yeap his father’s name is abu baker originated from madras,India.sadly we parted company – he went to mrsm kulim and ur not so sparky here went to star ipoh.
One of my ustazah wrote : dear rizq,pls look down to the fresh green grass occasionally when ure upthere one day cuz..that’s where u once were…ustazah halimah binti ibrahim.plainly a second look need not be gazed towards these 3 sweet written phrases,yet it struck me when I went thru those pages during my college I longed to be with em companion,craved the sweet boyhood memories n the motherly voices of my ustazahs n teachers…puan zainab,mrs khor,ms basha n mrs lee,the strict mr mat anjang pulau,mr warren,mr lee,cikgu zainal n others…all tribute to em.w/out them urs truly wont be no where near the present mark.
Puan zainab n mrs lee were my boy scout or wolfie cub teachers.from em I learned survival skills,knot tying,compass and map reading.went on to attain my silver patch at the annual boy scouts was fun n personally I hd a good outing,finishing third overall in the map reading competition,whereas in the knot tying event came 7th overall from 30 plus contestants.
Mr Lee n cikgu zainal were our school football coaches.under their tutolage I learned the rope of becoming a good central defender.they demonstrated to me about positioning,perfect timing,the art of tackling a center forward and most of important – fair play.they inculcated good values to us,the school footballers to be proud achievers,passionate team player,seeking none personal glory (no one above the team) n instilled great team spirit.we emerged as runnersup in the district championship,narrowly beaten by the better technically n tactically and far superior talent of sk sg rokam(had a hard time containing their center forwad-rahmat(hes a big,burly strong as a bull yet with quickest of feet…one of 6 org asli kids in sk sg rokam team sheet)a didier drogba as what to chelsea,spearheading the rentless attack on opponent’s goal as rahmat to sk sg rokam.were beaten what seemingly as endless as the flow of a river in the final,luckily adnan my sweeper and team captain save my blushes except for one great body move by rahmat managed to out witted both of us and resulted in a one nil defeat;as a footnote sk sg rokam went all the way,emerging as the state level champion that year…1979.three of my teammates went on to donned the state colors in the mssm competition,me not included since am still nursing a toe injury – a hairline fracture when I took a dive to save what looked like an apparent goal during a goal mouth scrambled;a goal line clearance n in doing so crashed my toe against the upright!!!took 6 months of healing ankle was incast for 3 weeks n had to be treated by a fracture bomoh…six agonizing months just flew thru the mum was all worried that am not going to overcome the injury,mind u limping for the best part of half a year.hehe looking back at what seems to be hard put to walk,am convinced w/out the injury am able to give other defender run for their money for a place in the state team.
Mrs Khor and ms basha were the school choir conductors.yeap am in the school choir roster punctuality = is the doctrine.good vocal but no self discipline or u show up late for practises,they will be mad as a march hare;out u go.their rule = make it simple n fuss free.we must be as keen as a mustard to be a member of the school choir,told mrs basha.most of us,the choirboys had to stay back at school thrice a week to sort our vocal out,we had to sing our heart out,shouting,whisper,hissing in front of a mirror!!!after 2 months of intensive training we were all ready to be an assemble.since our school choir –all boy choir,we cant make a lasting impression on the judges,we aint in the consolation prize,even,tell u haha!!p.s. our voices were as loud as thunder,as sour as vinegar and as hoarse as a crow,all in one package put together!!!hehe.
Cikgu mat anjang pulau (now a registrar of marriage)was my class teacher,6A and the school hockey coach.his son,noor azlan bin mat was a classmate of mine.cikgu mat drives a blue mazda 808 ferrying half a dozen kids from his residential area to school,daily.during that period of time its common practice for teachers to act as a chauffer to schoolkids car by bus,by truck,yeap truck aka school ferry deployed by the msian arm forces to transport army personnel’s kids to school,by motorbike,by bicycle,walk to school n by trishaw,u name it.cikgu mat,one of the stricter teacher teached me maths and bahasa malaysia.moulded me to appreciate figures n actual facts,his method n pedagogy of teaching the subject took my fullest attention n for the benefit of it,at par with mohd najib bin alwi ( my fellow starian n a medical practitioner right now) the school best dint of learning the formule,am able to solve quite a number of quizzical mathematical equation.
In token of gratitude to my past masters-I salute u all for shapes,mould n form iam now,aint a jaundiced eye,neither a knotty problem guy,neither a left handed compliment nor an idle talk man.just a plain simple,fair copy,happy medium chap.
Jasni jaal = hp accounts manager,industrial division
Rafiuddin abu baker = certified public accountant
Mohd najib alwi = md (usm)
Adnan = unit head,directorate dewan bandaraya ipoh
Azizul hisham aziz zaman = full colonel in the rmf,as of typing based in lebonan under the malcon II peace keeping forces,his last email dated dec 2,2007…”just 8 map cliques from the hizbollah front line”
Azhan nordin = pilot,royal msian airforce
Azizul zam zam amin = pilot,royal msian airforce
Sam thean sun = it store operator
Roslan sheriff = it vendor projek lebuh raya utara selatan (PLUS)
Sundra kantha = chemical engineer
Lee kean cheong = audiophiles store proprietor
Rizq = street peddling hawker
Mohd nizam aris = formerly a warrant officer with msian army,now a successful eateries co-owner
Azizul kama abd aziz = palm oil tycoon
Aminuddin abd hamid = project engineer,uem builders
Monday, December 17, 2007
coded of ethics...grab a h@mburger pls...
Lost in translation…tis one thing not to my liking uncomplicated it may seems,neither the subject matter nor the action taken determined the outcome.u say what?verbal aggrement = chokes me to the maxim.prudent might be my virtue but nonetheless caution thrown to the wind when it comes to closing a deal..esp one that can sunk even the great Spanish armada!!!~spoken words to my humble knowledge = simply unbreakable…binding,like concrete those british builder’s poured into the formwork of our majestic klcc twin towers,thou the brits were just comprador…taking charged of Indonesians,banglas etc nationalities breaking their back just for us to reap the benefits.most of my dealings were thru spoken words,not the kind of “akujanji” oath taken many by a civil servant who opt for the retirement scheme my other haf inclusive.thou conceptive it may be to some (a clear cut winner in any contest)…to me it aint gonna be the accepted kind of behaviour or break the unspoken words of spoken words as its contemptuous…bordering scornful,as a cloak,a sword n a dagger ;yet many subscribe to the notion that “lost in translation” is mere n puny forgiveable,forsaken etc.
As there r three ways of doing things…namely the right way the wrong way n the myway hiway…urs truly is a stickler to the myway hiway option,like a punty.yeap anytime sir/maam!!!~
Building bridges,erecting telcos tower or putting up a fuel kiosk is a great black balancing act of : Lord the al-Mighty,architect,civil engineers(structure wise) the lists endless,but right smacked rotted at the bottom of my lists = consultant or in my term : con(abbreviation),insult and ant,all put one in a great syntax manner.
Ouuu con= un genuine,not authentic…errr hands up pls we r counting the vote…need a landslide outright here : liar,n a great one at that!!!~ the greatest liar is a conman himself.he makes/pokes a mockery of ur words,waiting to pounce on ur humble ignorance they the cowardly wannabes hiding behind the overrated word of consultant,what u consult such insult!!!~things r different n will be different what equation u put to use,a true man is as good as his word,a nobelty,while those eagle eyed,green monsters aint half as good as my aunt jemaima’s maple syrup—pancake n waffle plus churrus sticks we flush down our u ppl out there,bite what u can chew,pls.leftovers are for me to decide!!!~
As there r three ways of doing things…namely the right way the wrong way n the myway hiway…urs truly is a stickler to the myway hiway option,like a punty.yeap anytime sir/maam!!!~
Building bridges,erecting telcos tower or putting up a fuel kiosk is a great black balancing act of : Lord the al-Mighty,architect,civil engineers(structure wise) the lists endless,but right smacked rotted at the bottom of my lists = consultant or in my term : con(abbreviation),insult and ant,all put one in a great syntax manner.
Ouuu con= un genuine,not authentic…errr hands up pls we r counting the vote…need a landslide outright here : liar,n a great one at that!!!~ the greatest liar is a conman himself.he makes/pokes a mockery of ur words,waiting to pounce on ur humble ignorance they the cowardly wannabes hiding behind the overrated word of consultant,what u consult such insult!!!~things r different n will be different what equation u put to use,a true man is as good as his word,a nobelty,while those eagle eyed,green monsters aint half as good as my aunt jemaima’s maple syrup—pancake n waffle plus churrus sticks we flush down our u ppl out there,bite what u can chew,pls.leftovers are for me to decide!!!~
feline furr n wetty p@lm part 1 :)
Kucing @ cat.either we luv em or loath spoilt vote here,period full stop.urs truly has cats,many of em.lets see…first there was pusi,a pure blooded Siamese cat when I was just a toddler given by mr smart,former manager of straits smelting to my late grandma and she passed pusi to me as a pet.we had laughter and fond memories together…me n pussi.she’ll sat on my tiny n feeble lap and I’ll pulled her tail haha what else a 3-yr-old boy can do much to entertain himself other than doing unexplainable things to the adult mind .sadly pusie fell gravely ill when I was about 4plus parents as all responsible parents, tried vainly to get pusie back to normal health..countless trips to the vet n homely quick fixed u’ll be well, all come up to no avail after battling her mysterious illness for more than 2 mnths,pusie succumb to her illness and passed away peacefully under my dad’s Hillman Imp car one fine dad ceremoniously gave pusie a well sent off by putting her to rest under a mango tree infront of our home.then came inda an alley cat picked up by my dad at a construction site.thou an alley cat,inda = a rarity coz he’s a 3 stripe male cat.a really nuisance every morning cuz he’ll jumped on my bed and started licking my nose while making this strange “purring” sound.yucks!!!he’ll go all around me until I gaveup n got off my bed.that’s inda,a no nonsense alley cat recalling back my memory with inda…he likes to chase cochroches,mice n birds.he spent most of his time wandering around the neighbourhood luring other female feline to bear his offsprings.that’s norm for any male alley cat day in day out – a routine inda had a tragic end to his colorful life – run down by something moving that have was a sad day for me coz at the age of 11 ive learnt many emotional feelings.gave him an appropriate burial under a durian tree on the left side of my parents home.after inda,I havnt had the chance to own a cat until im in my junior year in college.since I befriended shah,she always pestered me to get her something for a pet.all her squeeking and gruntling to own a pet fell on deaf ears of urs truly,not that I do not want her to own pet or afraid she might chided me and spent her time with her will be pet –just the timing aint right during summer break in 1988,received a late night phone call from shah asking me to take her to Montgomery Ward,one of down town Long Beach premier shopping mall the nxt dy.deep dwn in my heart I know this is it,time to finally hold the white flag and bought her a pet cuz 2 dys beforehand shah had told me she’ll be getting herself a pet,no matter what. So around 9 am on a heaty summer day in 1988 picked up shah at her apt #1,walnut avenue and heading straight to downtown long beach.had our b/fast at a Vietnamese run donut house,instead of our normal donut outpost – windchell’s.had a sugar raise n a cup of tea,while my opposite half had her usual apple pie .after a few banter we went to a pet shop at the said mall n w/out further delay pickup a black as coal crossed breed male kitten.20 bucks changed hands n we made a swift exit from the mall.upon reaching home shah told me the kitten will be named che tam haha too obvious eyy?nevertheless che tam he is until the sad day we hd to part company with him,three weeks after graduation between the hot summer month of 1988 and the wintery month(there’s no snow blizzard anywhere near long beach,even a tiny drop of snow flake shied away cuz long beach is a costal city 30 mins drive south of los angeles where the infamous and notorious monghul of long beach,all harley D riding motorcycles brotherhood were based;not even the world reknown hell’s angels motorcycles chapter dared to confront the monghul am proud of u monghul braders : live to die not live to ride )of dec 31st 1989 che tam = our common distinguished memory stuck out with che tam was the day he had a nasty fall n dislocated
feline furr n wetty p@lm :)
his spine n pelvis!that day started smoothly for me since I was a full time janitor at the student union,all work = mundane n monotones.around 5pm went home to my apt n there shah was sitting in front of my apt door waiting for me weeping n holding che tam.che tam looks vulnerable n seemingly dead!!~shah told me che tam had a nasty fall n w/out any delay took both shah n che tam to a vet…haha that vet is a one legged vet-he had a wooden left leg,just like any pirate captains..thou no hook as his limb replacing his hand he examined che tam for quite a while in the treatment room and said this to shah n me : “listen u guys…ur cat need to be put to sleep!!!~aiyo yo the roof seemed to be falling pieces by pieces onto our head.we looked to each other in disbelief we were mimed!!!~even a pin drop cud be heard in the room…after a momentarily pause I cleared my throat and ask the vet if theres n e other way to save che tam…a grin appeared on the vet face (I forgot his name) n told us; “will cost u usd150 n he had to be hospitalized for 2 dys” it’s a done deal n after 2 dys che tam received his welcome home note.he cleared the fitness bill but it did hurt my pocket thou.haha what do u think I am (pls put ur comment on this-do need to get things straight)…cant let shah pay the bill since she just bought me a pair of levis jeans at costa mesa swap meet n a metallica album – garage day revisited from tower records outlet along the sunset boulevard the week b4 .while having che tam we had sandy,a cat presented by a fren of my other half , she’s a wooly n cuddly thing I can lay my hands on during the short tenure of owning her.she has to be sent away to an animal shelter since she has too many fleas no matter what flea shampoo or collar we use!heaviest n hardest decision we took on taking such a course however we know she had a good home cuz after 2 weeks,she was gone from the shelter – a high school girl took her away from the shelter .we didn’t have anymore cats until we have sofea,our daughter…too bz minding n tending to life,nei bother to own pet other than a few guppys n angel fish plus a pair of Indonesian kalui fish since fish is ezier to look after and more manageable.however a golden opportunity sprung up when my elder sister offered her pure blooded Burmese cat plus cage,one sack of frieskies n some other peripherals essential for grooming a cat.we took the opportunity with both hands wide open–freebies lorrr this mocha (yeap tats her name) was a nice velvet palm cat.she’ll sleep n sleep all day long.not the tail chasing type…thou small in stature,she aint nimble.her steps = like duck going home during sunset ( itek pulang petang) both shah n me always had a few sticks commenting the gangling gait mocha present herself.haha no wonder u models doing catwalk!!~meow meeeow.true to the saying : cats hv nine lives,mocha indeed has 9 plus 10 after 2 yrs with us,had to part way with her since syamil is due to get out from u know where to our warm n cozy lap.since then cats = aint allow inside our home cuz wall to wall carpeting replacing the insitu did I see laminated flooring ads,rock bottom price!!!~cats out there pls take ur number up coz this ol man need some fun,cat style.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
p@rtinG tears - time to put n arm's length
by hook or by crook time to blurt out to some unforgiven rudeness/blatant disregard of the law namely a) jumping the Q b) littering the parks
a) Q jumping = uncivilized b) litter = low iq
u know what perak man and the peking man hd in common? uncivilized n low iq
literally n figuratively speaking.em our ancestors according to darwinian theory,hence the ape (cant think other than urko,the leader of the ape in the tv series planet of the ape)appearences of those 2 pre-paleolitic,monolith n i dunno stone-age rhymes :).what hv u to offer to these uncivilized n low iq peeps?to me offer nothing infact shud take away from em.offer em = jail sentence n whip em arse!!!~
a) Q jumping = uncivilized b) litter = low iq
u know what perak man and the peking man hd in common? uncivilized n low iq
literally n figuratively speaking.em our ancestors according to darwinian theory,hence the ape (cant think other than urko,the leader of the ape in the tv series planet of the ape)appearences of those 2 pre-paleolitic,monolith n i dunno stone-age rhymes :).what hv u to offer to these uncivilized n low iq peeps?to me offer nothing infact shud take away from em.offer em = jail sentence n whip em arse!!!~
b@hasa jewa b@ngsa...we hd luff we hd fun...
Satu dua tiga empat...tinggi rendah atas bawah...buat kerja biar maufakat...segera hilang penat lelah.
Pergi kehutan memburu babi...babi seekor taringnya panjang...xsalah lagakkan diri...asal tidak menhina orang. Tis is kinda the good the bad n d ugly
Pinang muda gantung dibalai...taruh makan bulan muda jgnlah lalai...kalau lalai kelak binasa.
Pokok kelapa berbuah lebat...benih dari kg paya...kalo kita mencari sahabat...biarla dpt org yg setia.
Pokok melati sedang naik...daunnya subur dan sihat...biar mati nama yg baik...jgn mati nama yg jahat. Aiyakkksss!!!
Rendang sungguh pohon ara...tumbuh subur tepi telaga...tidak salah berkenal mesra...asal dijaga tata susila.
Tanam limau tanam kedondong...mari ditanam ditepi pantai...harimau garang jangan dikepung...buat rosak sahabat handai.
Orang jawa mencari benang...mencari benang diatas jauh jgn dikenang...kelak ia menjadi penyakit.
Org Siam dr seberang...bawa jual ikan tenggiri...jgn suka mengata orang...cermin dulu diri sendiri. Me not seeing my reflection in the mirror!!!~
Minum kopi taruh susu...kurang manis tambah gula...kalau ikot hawa nafsu...akan menjadi orang gila....ngeeee!!!~
Menjual lidi ke johor tenggara...menjual laptop ke batu pahat...kalau dengki punya baek dikata jahat. Hishhh x baek lorrr
Malam ini mlm selasa...jual itek dengan angsa...jika x cukup periksa...harta habis badan binasa.
Gambar kereta didlm bingkai...letak dlm almari kaca...mulut manis x buley dipakai...ramai org sudah kena.
Puan Sarah suka berkebun...air oren didlm cawan...kalau awak suka berpantun...jgn bagi panas hati kawan. Eheks ~
Tata...slmt berpantun...bahasa jiwa bangsa...semoga patuh kpd rukun.
Assalamualaikum...w’salam..sebelum ending kena cium...alamak bau masam.
As always laughter the best medcine...taraaaa.
Pergi kehutan memburu babi...babi seekor taringnya panjang...xsalah lagakkan diri...asal tidak menhina orang. Tis is kinda the good the bad n d ugly
Pinang muda gantung dibalai...taruh makan bulan muda jgnlah lalai...kalau lalai kelak binasa.
Pokok kelapa berbuah lebat...benih dari kg paya...kalo kita mencari sahabat...biarla dpt org yg setia.
Pokok melati sedang naik...daunnya subur dan sihat...biar mati nama yg baik...jgn mati nama yg jahat. Aiyakkksss!!!
Rendang sungguh pohon ara...tumbuh subur tepi telaga...tidak salah berkenal mesra...asal dijaga tata susila.
Tanam limau tanam kedondong...mari ditanam ditepi pantai...harimau garang jangan dikepung...buat rosak sahabat handai.
Orang jawa mencari benang...mencari benang diatas jauh jgn dikenang...kelak ia menjadi penyakit.
Org Siam dr seberang...bawa jual ikan tenggiri...jgn suka mengata orang...cermin dulu diri sendiri. Me not seeing my reflection in the mirror!!!~
Minum kopi taruh susu...kurang manis tambah gula...kalau ikot hawa nafsu...akan menjadi orang gila....ngeeee!!!~
Menjual lidi ke johor tenggara...menjual laptop ke batu pahat...kalau dengki punya baek dikata jahat. Hishhh x baek lorrr
Malam ini mlm selasa...jual itek dengan angsa...jika x cukup periksa...harta habis badan binasa.
Gambar kereta didlm bingkai...letak dlm almari kaca...mulut manis x buley dipakai...ramai org sudah kena.
Puan Sarah suka berkebun...air oren didlm cawan...kalau awak suka berpantun...jgn bagi panas hati kawan. Eheks ~
Tata...slmt berpantun...bahasa jiwa bangsa...semoga patuh kpd rukun.
Assalamualaikum...w’salam..sebelum ending kena cium...alamak bau masam.
As always laughter the best medcine...taraaaa.
g0d help s0 be@utifuL :)
Dog eat dog world…leverage buy out,merger and the list as long as the Queen’s list touching base is a key factor in this jet setting globe spinning new world orde.wonderful n hi-key to see the underdog kicking the fav’s butt,thou seldom u see it in the contender’s ring let alone on the open n flush carpeted conglomerate/corporate corridor of power or board meeting dungeon.dragon always n will perennially be the clear winner in any confrontation with the python,even boa wont stand n e chance to last even to the next bell.went to my cousin auntie’s house in the heart of malay concentration in ipoh today…for lunch.smacked right infront of her bungalow house is another development project belonging to one xyz hyper chain store.imagine 40’-0“ from her front gate where once a gazzetted recreational park stood in panache,wud be there nomore come place to do the once a week stretching and tai-chi,no swing,no nothing…just rows n rows of aisles stacked to the rafter with local n imported goods,much goodies u can do without will be there come dawn 2009 so the contractor’s word.
My tongue in cheek…point to ponder = what will happen to the enterprising small businesses run by private entity,most of em family owned handed thru generations.on my stats about 300 plus these small scale sundry stores in n around the construction site within 1 km radius.these ppl are davids crossing swords with the mighty dragon.first they battle the dragon gallantly using all method from the book “the art of war”…however once the dusts settle,many brave davids will perish,the luckiest one left behind wud lick their wounds,sword shoddily wrap in leather casing n vowed not to fight a battle in their life time,again!!!~scars too deep n will be em reminder the rest of their lives.
Dragon = has these charms..lower prices,better services,spacious,cozy n accommodating (air condition n proper lighting),excellent sales personnels n the prospect goes on n the 16hrs 7 dys a week all year round operation.what raya?cny?dewali?
Yesterday an aquaintence handed me a 10 pages questionnaires…fillup,just tick n pls dropped the whole thing inside my letterbox …n the gel pen is urs,complimentary as he smiles wryly n speed off.there I was infront of my shack staring the leaflet.he who an understudy of economics (doing his doctorate in econs) shud be better off handing those Q’s to the formerly mentioned davids than me haha.what about it?what about them…me ask?
cranked it…encore!!!~
Great time…jolly season,but whose buying.amerikhastan :
Recruiting the ill-fated for "The War"
A legion of uneducated ,bankrupt souls
With a lust for revenge,answering the call
From New Yorqatar to Califarabia
Desperation provides fettile ground for religious extremism
This glorious brainwashing where prejudice lies
Like a crouching tiger
Tormenting peasants till they erect an army
Under everyone's nose
In the end propaganda destroys their DNA,God help them
My tongue in cheek…point to ponder = what will happen to the enterprising small businesses run by private entity,most of em family owned handed thru generations.on my stats about 300 plus these small scale sundry stores in n around the construction site within 1 km radius.these ppl are davids crossing swords with the mighty dragon.first they battle the dragon gallantly using all method from the book “the art of war”…however once the dusts settle,many brave davids will perish,the luckiest one left behind wud lick their wounds,sword shoddily wrap in leather casing n vowed not to fight a battle in their life time,again!!!~scars too deep n will be em reminder the rest of their lives.
Dragon = has these charms..lower prices,better services,spacious,cozy n accommodating (air condition n proper lighting),excellent sales personnels n the prospect goes on n the 16hrs 7 dys a week all year round operation.what raya?cny?dewali?
Yesterday an aquaintence handed me a 10 pages questionnaires…fillup,just tick n pls dropped the whole thing inside my letterbox …n the gel pen is urs,complimentary as he smiles wryly n speed off.there I was infront of my shack staring the leaflet.he who an understudy of economics (doing his doctorate in econs) shud be better off handing those Q’s to the formerly mentioned davids than me haha.what about it?what about them…me ask?
cranked it…encore!!!~
Great time…jolly season,but whose buying.amerikhastan :
Recruiting the ill-fated for "The War"
A legion of uneducated ,bankrupt souls
With a lust for revenge,answering the call
From New Yorqatar to Califarabia
Desperation provides fettile ground for religious extremism
This glorious brainwashing where prejudice lies
Like a crouching tiger
Tormenting peasants till they erect an army
Under everyone's nose
In the end propaganda destroys their DNA,God help them
Saturday, December 15, 2007
wedding - my w@y
Walimatul-urus – from my humble perspective.traditional values versus the more uptodate modern hybrid cross mixed menu onboard.
Of late there r all sorts of chaos among the old guard protecting what may be left of our traditional malay wedding custom,namely the merisik,menanda,meminang-bertunang,hantaran belanja hangus (burnt burnt),majlis berinai (henna?),majlis akad nikah,majlis mambatalkan air sembayang n lastly the garndiest of all…mother or errrr grandma of all occasion – bersanding cum wedding reception (elaborate décor,u do not know whois the guests on board,banquet feast fit for the king of this earth,yeap u read it correctly no need to take a closer look : king of the earth if there’s one ),…hold on a sec need to catch my breath my hands on xperience came in the early part of mid 20’s.naah not 1820’s or 1920’s laaa dowh!!!by the end of the ceremonious wedding reception,both my other haf n me = mentally,physically,spiritually n emotionally drained,just like a piece of linen tumbled dry in the dryer again n again!!~haha aint typing no more.
wedding or to my preferable term = coming of 2 hearts together as one, shud (shall I use the term must)be private,simple,unassuming n family oriented,okey closest of kinship,inner circle of frens n left right north south neighbours only.other than that = out of bounds.cant we spared the king/queen of the day from them audiences?for what ever reason there might be…let them be the king/queen n we mere living creatures must abide by their command.haha hv u ever seen the king/queen on the altar weeping unstoppably?ur sincerely on countless countback witness the unthinkable…not once twice but thrice!!!~keh keh keh how interesting since then vowed to myself not to let the unthinkable happen to any of my offsprings on their most important day.i’ll let em decide from a-zee (American English).their wish is my command.let em share their solemn promise to each other in a private n reclusive manner.posh it will be,I’ll vouch u on that.probably syahrin wants to hold his big day on a cruise ship…consider done my dear son or sofea wants all table cloths laced by her fav designer label- gladly done too or syarkhiel wanna an all white (am an all black fan,Andrew Mertherns is my idol:he looks like a school boy but play/read the game like a master…the best #10 to my beggy eyes) English Rose England Jersey drapping all the seats…haha dun care as long as the pleasure is him,king of the day.alas I need to check on my Scottish Bukta jersey…now where did I see it decades from now – on my back for sure!!!that’s for me to keep.
Of late there r all sorts of chaos among the old guard protecting what may be left of our traditional malay wedding custom,namely the merisik,menanda,meminang-bertunang,hantaran belanja hangus (burnt burnt),majlis berinai (henna?),majlis akad nikah,majlis mambatalkan air sembayang n lastly the garndiest of all…mother or errrr grandma of all occasion – bersanding cum wedding reception (elaborate décor,u do not know whois the guests on board,banquet feast fit for the king of this earth,yeap u read it correctly no need to take a closer look : king of the earth if there’s one ),…hold on a sec need to catch my breath my hands on xperience came in the early part of mid 20’s.naah not 1820’s or 1920’s laaa dowh!!!by the end of the ceremonious wedding reception,both my other haf n me = mentally,physically,spiritually n emotionally drained,just like a piece of linen tumbled dry in the dryer again n again!!~haha aint typing no more.
wedding or to my preferable term = coming of 2 hearts together as one, shud (shall I use the term must)be private,simple,unassuming n family oriented,okey closest of kinship,inner circle of frens n left right north south neighbours only.other than that = out of bounds.cant we spared the king/queen of the day from them audiences?for what ever reason there might be…let them be the king/queen n we mere living creatures must abide by their command.haha hv u ever seen the king/queen on the altar weeping unstoppably?ur sincerely on countless countback witness the unthinkable…not once twice but thrice!!!~keh keh keh how interesting since then vowed to myself not to let the unthinkable happen to any of my offsprings on their most important day.i’ll let em decide from a-zee (American English).their wish is my command.let em share their solemn promise to each other in a private n reclusive manner.posh it will be,I’ll vouch u on that.probably syahrin wants to hold his big day on a cruise ship…consider done my dear son or sofea wants all table cloths laced by her fav designer label- gladly done too or syarkhiel wanna an all white (am an all black fan,Andrew Mertherns is my idol:he looks like a school boy but play/read the game like a master…the best #10 to my beggy eyes) English Rose England Jersey drapping all the seats…haha dun care as long as the pleasure is him,king of the day.alas I need to check on my Scottish Bukta jersey…now where did I see it decades from now – on my back for sure!!!that’s for me to keep.
the circus is coming t0 t0wn...yet again :)
Formula one or as the inkling scribes F1 circus will make its voyage to our shore once again on march 28th 2008.a great afficiandos of anything four wheelers,am thrill to learn the new set up for Toyota Panasonic F1 team.ralf wont be there,thank God!!~ trusty race ace jarno trulli,the golden boy of go karting will be behind the steering(looks more like a modern 2duo core notebook,isn’t it?) wheel one more season.hes as good as any podium finisher given proper armament n techy support.give him a scruffy car,he’ll grab it by its neck and make it obey -ontop of the apex or diving thru chicanes.that’s how good jarno is.ask Alonso his former teammate at Renault (read regh nu);jarno level of concentration,determination and dedication is second to none.he’s my fav ace pilot u know got to be there earlier nxt yr cuz this yr…am a fraction late to see the whole process of what F1 peeps address as Q1 Q2 n Q3.hehe got mixed up with Pang’s sweetie n end up waiting infront of our hotel parking bay-jw marriot for nearly an hour.actually we left ipoh quite early,to be précised 8:30am n at 10:15 were all seated in a restaurant along pudu road syhhhhh don’t tell the authority lorrr pls !!!~diced with one Mr. Singh Toyota Camry along the stretch from Tapah right thru to Jln Duta toll plaza.he’s a fast driver,all credit to him…but this typing person is faster lorrr .by 11:30 all set to check into jw marriot.then what happen I dunno till around 12:40 megat,another F1 freak from ipoh told me : u guys…zeck n myself go ahead to we go in a hurry.zig zagging thru klites vehicle n dodging many crawling stretches paved way we managed to reach sepang international circuit 2pm on the dot!!the only hiccup is at the sg besi toll plaza- am using the touch n go card,however nearly all prepaid crdt we exhausted during our first leg ipoh-jln duta,hence had to Q up at the topup booth,and on that day everyone heading south using the TnG card wanted to topup…awfully sheet!!!~saw one Subaru forrester AWD jumping the Q hehe the funniest thing is we managed to smoke him right after kajang layby exit, after parking my car at P2 parking bay we dashed to the mall area.mind u Q2 already underway .once got thru the entrance for the north tower stand,to u tv viewers north tower stand = the last corner b4 the start n finish line or the hairpin corner shape u guys saw on ur tube we hd to walk nearly 1km from the main gate to our seats under the glaring sun ahaks…no brisk walk here,we were like mad sprinters trying to out do each other-zeck n me hehe.b4 getting to the north tower we had to pass thru another security check…there were 3 guards/securities 2 gals n a guy in his late 30’s.coincidently the entrance to both north n south tower is adjacent to a water closet aka restroom or simply tandas ngeeee.another funny (funny ke?) things happen kat sini tau.we were trying the best we cud to flash our tix : RM1,750 for 3 day passes.however one of the gal guard simply pointed to the direction of toilet haha!!!~double standard,prejudice or what me dunno she said…encik toilet is that way and I said “cik puan,saya tak faham bahasa ingeris sangat tapi saya bukan nak ke toilet tapi nak ke tempat duduk menara utara.ngeeee she was all in one – looking dumbfounded zeck managed a wry smile.hehe x apa la x kisah pon cuz what I know..we missed Q3 completely...hurrah to mr eccelstone cuz ur one sly magnate trotting this ageing world of ours behind those sleek steering of ur new mercs--haha someone nicked ur wheels n tires eyy rite under ur nose!!!~
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